Sunday, July 19, 2020

Afghan War Critic Is Being Considered As The Next US Ambassador To Afghanistan Afghan War Critic for Ambassador to Afghanistan

Amid a substantial US pullout from Afghanistan, the administration still doesn’t have a proper US Ambassador for that country. Reports, however, are that the short list includes a long-time war critic, Will Ruger.

Though not nominated yet, Ruger is undergoing vetting, and has been meeting with officials. The Vice President for Research and policy at the Charles Koch Institute, Ruger has frequently advocated ending the Afghanistan War.

Though the US is heading toward ending that war anyhow, with so many officials taking a wait and see approach, having a proper ambassador who is known to want a pullout would be a clear signal the administration intends to complete the process.

Read more ....

Update: Trump vets Afghan war skeptic for ambassador job (Politico)

WNU Editor: If Will Ruger is appointed and confirmed, it would send a clear message to everyone that the US is leaving Afghanistan.


Anonymous said...

And panic breaks out in government agencies. "They really are leaving!!!"

Anonymous said...

Obama wanted to leave. He got opposition and he backed off.

Trump campaigned on it. He made a promise. He intends to keep it.

If Obama and Trump have both wanted to leave maybe we should be leaving.

It is not that the Taliban can defeat us. They have not. It is more that we cannot afford to pay attention to the dirty 7th century bandits.

Trump will have us focusing on fending off (cheaper than fighting a war) or being ready for peer to peer (Remember Collusion people; Russia is evil) combat.

The US has to be ready for P2P without breaking the bank. Funding contingency operations does helps break the bank. Breaking out contingency operations allowed people to see how much the wars were costing and let the military and people, who care about defense preserve P2P capability. The US has never firmly, harshly and consistently called Pakistan out for their double game. The US won't so much as cancel visas for Pakistani students and businessmen. Honestly, if the USG did the universities would squeal like pigs.

The difference between helping the Kurds and Helping the Afghans is that the supply line to the Kurds is more secure and cheaper. The Kurds also provide the bulk of the soldiers and the Americans are stiffeners and air support. Iran and Hezbo might try to do what Pakistan does but they lack the sustained fiscal resources and are falling apart. The US needs to stay in a little longer to gain freedom for the Kurds.

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