Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Americans Are Arming Themselves Like Never Before

Paul Bedard, Washington Examiner: Arms industry: Gun buys up 95%, ammo 139%, sales to blacks jump 58%

The gun industry has never seen anything like 2020, and the explosion in sales driven by the concerns over rising crime, protests, the coronavirus crisis, and the presidential election are expected to continue.

“Bottom line is that there has never been a sustained surge in firearm sales quite like what we are in the midst of,” the National Shooting Sports Foundation, an industry trade group, said in a report shared with Secrets.

New sales and customer data collected from gun stores are even more shocking than the latest historic level of FBI background checks for purchases, security clearances, and concealed carry permits.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: My brother lives in the Bay area south of San Francisco, and he has always vowed to not own a gun. No more now. He wants to buy a gun.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see that your brother finally came around to a more rational and realistic though process on firearms. I highly recommend his next step in that regard should be extensive firearms saftey.:)

Mike Feldhake said...

Yep, bought some last month. I live in a nice area, outside St Louis city proper but if things roll into the suburban area then it may be necessary to protect ourselves. However, I don’t see that happening.

Anonymous said...

Mike, you are an American hero. Thanks for sharing.

For I, too, am a scared white person.

Anonymous said...


TY for trolling, Americans typically like to live peacefully. When we choose a place to live, we typically look at safety, cost of living and how well the local school district educates. That is just 3 things to consider. I am sure even you could remember that. Although that is not a given, So languages did not have words for numbers higher than 2 until recently. So you might be one of those.

Nearby is a small city that had no murders for decades. Last month it had 2 murders. That caught everyone;'s attention. You see, generally we like to live peacefully. IT is not that we do not know how to live violently. That is very easy. Just drive into the Big City and stand around or say a few words between 9 PM and 6 AM.

Just a word of caution. Not all of us here on this blog are white. Not that it matters.

Anonymous said...

Funny how the left@8:16 always brings in race. They're sick!

Anonymous said...

I can see, 8:16AM, you were not accepted by the cub scouts, boy scouts, eagle scouts, etc. You know...those be prepared folks? In lieu of common sense you might ...just might, consider the following; when seconds count law enforcement takes minutes. Of course, one could always be nice to the other side. Then they would be nice to you and your family. Right?

By the way, I recently read that an old warehouse in Europe was recently demolished and inside there were a few cases of Neville Chamberlain t-shirts, championing his treaty with Hitler in the late 30's. Even the moths found them unpalatable hence right up your pathetic alley.

Layguy said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nah, he's a joke always has been.

Anonymous said...

Is the joke. Watch him get all mad and whine about obese people who are beating him like a drum.

SN Tips said...

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SN Tips said...

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SN Tips said...

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