Friday, July 24, 2020

China Refuses To Commit To Closing Its Houston Consulate

Politico: Despite U.S. demand, China refuses to commit to closing Houston consulate

The top Communist Party official at the consulate said his office is operating normally today and will continue to do so "until further notice."

The head of the Chinese Consulate in Houston won’t commit to closing the office — a direct threat of defiance to the State Department’s demand that it be shut down by Friday.

In a wide-ranging interview with POLITICO, Cai Wei, the Chinese Consul General in Houston, said China is protesting the closure order and his office will remain open “until further notice.”

“Today we are still operating normally, so we will see what will happen tomorrow,” he said, declining to elaborate further.

Cai said Beijing has asked the U.S. to rescind its Tuesday order to close the consulate, which China argues runs afoul of international agreements governing diplomatic relations.

“We think that the demand from the U.S. side … is not according to the Vienna convention on consular affairs and also is not according to international practice or [diplomatic] norms, and it violates the China-U.S. consular treaty,” Cai said. “We prepared for the worst scenario but we’ve also launched a strong protest … so we urge the U.S. to abandon and revoke that wrong decision.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: It would be unprecedented if China decides to not close the consulate.


Anonymous said...

The consulate's role in spying and in supporting the riots is greatly diminished.

It is hypocritical to demand the closure the American consulate in Chengdu and defiantly keep the Texas one open.

I think they just one it t be a running news story that they hope or know the MSM will decry Orange man bad. I think that is their purpose.

Still the government has finite resources. Tailing Chinese operatives, so that they do not cause more trouble, keeps them from tailing others (Chinese allies, other Chinese agents) to see what espionage they are up to.

So they are reasons for the Chinese to keep it open. Their dog, Biden, will make everything better, when he is elected.

Anonymous said...

Anyone tracking candle sales in the area?

Anonymous said...

Next parade with uncountable numbers of toothfairy believers will be from the CCMCoA; the Chinese Consulate Matters Club of America, Houston chapter.

RussInSoCal said...

Send in US Marshals - or whoever has that jurisdiction - into that building and detain everyone inside. Depose them and then deport them.

If the Trump admin lets this go on longer than 48 hours, China will have set a new precedent and they will win this.

That clock started about 12 hours ago.

Anonymous said...

your clock like your mind is broken

Anonymous said...

11:23 & AGAIN AT 3:10

The Chinese or Hunter Biden must really be concerned.

copley7 said...

Seal it off no one in, no one out. Turn off the water and power. Houston gets a little warm and humid this time of year. See how long they last.

Anonymous said...


China is pretty hot. These are POC. That said the last 2 generations have gotten use to their AC. I bet, if push gets to shove, they can't take the heat.

Anonymous said...

It's Texas - shut off the AC

Anonymous said...

Or on CNN:

"Trumps chaotic war on China --

Mostly not-spying, proud Chinese natives resist Trump's tyranic and unjust demands to abandon beautifully restored historic building."

Or on MSNBC:

"!!!!!Chinese Lives Matter!!!!!! Followed by 10 min of random entitled white or black people sniffing each other's farts while agreeing that the true evil of this World is Donald Trump, and by extension all white people on the right. Followed by an ad to buy Chinese stocks.

Or in the NBA:

Lebrone James takes a knee to honour the plight of the misunderstood people of one China, by which he means Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China. Then tells people to not talk about complex problems because that could hurt his Chinese sponsors

Apple donates $500 million to create a racial justice building dedicated to the suffering of visionary leader Xi

And Harvard University announces a new $2 million prize award, called the CCPrize: candidates must submit their encrypted application in Chinese and come up with new bright ideas of how we could outsource our industries faster to China.

Anonymous said...

@427.. I can tell you don't know much about China if you generalise their climate like this. It's not Vietnam. It's continental sized, with very cold and very warm areas. For example Hainan is rather warm, tropical, Shanghai can be quite cold and the north can be freezing.

Just so you know.

But. Turning off the AC will only be a nuisance. They'll send someone to buy a few dozen mobile ACs from any shop or just endure. They're good at enduring. Not as good as the Vietnamese but they won't even care.

Turning off all electricity and outside lines would be good in theory but you want them communicating. I'm quite sure that the US together with Israel is not that terrible at decryption. Perhaps already using quantum compute approaches. Chinese consulate <-> mainland connections would be a prime target.

RussInSoCal said...

The China consulate got itself raided.
US agents enter Chinese consulate compound in Houston after deadline for closure passes

Washington (CNN)US federal agents and local law enforcement entered the Chinese consulate compound in Houston Friday afternoon following Tuesday's order to close the diplomatic facility after US officials alleged it was part of a larger Chinese espionage effort using diplomatic facilities around the US.
A series of black SUVs, trucks, two white vans and a locksmith's van entered the property as a crowd of observers and news cameras observed from the edge of the diplomatic compound.
US officials speaking to reporters Friday said the consulate had been implicated in a fraud investigation at a Texas research institution and that Chinese consulate officials, "were directly involved in communications with researchers and guided them on what information to collect."
The activities of consulate officials in Houston "are a microcosm, we believe, of a broader network of individuals in more than 25 cities that network is supported through the consulates here," a US Justice Department official said Friday. "Consulates have been giving individuals in that network guidance on how to evade [and] obstruct our investigation. And you can infer from that the ability to task that [a] network of associates nationwide."

Anonymous said...

@427.. I can tell you don't know much about China

Maybe you ought to live in China before you open your pie hole.

logveee said...

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logveee said...

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