Wednesday, July 22, 2020

China's 'Red Lines' Over Taiwan Could Lead To War With U.S.

Analysts say the PLA will want to use its control of the skies to its advantage. Photo: Xinhua

SCMP: How Beijing’s ‘red lines’ over Taiwan could lead to war with US

* Unlike other flashpoints, Chinese authorities will show no flexibility and could invade if it declares independence
* The People’s Liberation Army has spent years training to retake the island, and are prepared for US intervention

Taiwan looms large as one of the most obvious flashpoints for an armed conflict between China and the United States. Beijing has made clear it regards the island as an integral part of China and any attempt to change its status is a red line.

Unlike other areas of territorial contention, such as in the South China Sea, analysts say Beijing will show no flexibility on this issue and has not ruled out force to reunify Taiwan with the mainland.

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China has been preparing for its “reunification mission” ever since Chiang Kai-shek’s defeated Nationalist forces fled to the island at the end of the civil war in 1949. The military is well aware that an invasion could prompt US intervention.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The U.S. is giving their own "red lines" .... US Congressman Proposes Legislation Forcing A Declaration Of War On China If They Invade Taiwan (July 20, 2020).


Anonymous said...

China(by that I mean the CCP) has ignored ALL of our red lines, insulted us while our elderly die, gasping for air

There's no more room for coexistence if China's doubling down.

You cannot steal trillions, kill us, insult us, infect our minds and way of lives with cultural warfare shit, burn our churches, put entire populations into concentration camps

No. It's over.

War can only be prevented if China becomes a normal society that respects other nations wish to remain free. And China needs to apologise for their ongoing theft and mass murder they could have prevented@wuhan virus

And any Chinese who values a strong China, one where people can live freely and with dignity, no matter their race, believes or background, should help us and openly speak out against the CCP

People often ask: how could Germany, a country with rich culture and many achievements turn into what became known as Nazi Germany?

Because the vast majority stayed silent. Didn't speak out. Some made even money and sold their soul by actively participating.

If you are Chinese and love China, speak out now.

I know many Chinese and have had Chinese friends for years. All of them smart and funny once you get to know them ...but... there's a big percentage that's obtuse to the crimes at home. Some of them are scared of speaking out even living in the west, because their families are in China. And I understand.. but how much closer to war shall we move until you do speak out? If you like freedom and the opportunities and goodwill the west has provided you, please speak out now.

This silence among Chinese... and some even want the CCP to rule us all, talk about a future under one system.

I'm all for the idea of one government and one people, moving together.. but not like this. Not by force, theft, intimidation and murder. This is EXACTLY what happened in Nazi Germany. Everyone too scared, some not caring... it was a disaster for the world so horrible it lacks words to describe. The new war with China would be even worse. Again. I love China and Chinese. Please stand up NOW against the tyranny of the CCP

B.Poster said...

I think this would be a good question to our before the Amerucan people. Do we want to go to war over Taiwan? This is a war that would cost us in excess of 10s of millions of lives. Evite US cities would be completely destroyed and the economic devastation it would bring to America would be beyond comprehension. On top of this, there's no guarantee we would win and if we win what exactly do we win? What is Taiwan's strategic value to us?

In the case of the UK, one could argue that there's a cultural bond that would make them worth such a sacrifice. As for Taiwan, there are no such cultural ties. Combined with the lack of an economic or secutity interests a move such as this would likeky be even dumber than the one that got us into Ukraine. Certainly intelligence and clear thinking is not a requirement to be in Congress.

Taiwan should take three basic steps to bolster it's defense. 1.) Develop a robust nuclear deterrent. This should have been a long time ago. No time like the present to get started. 2.) Bolster conventional defense so that victory the stronger invader would be so pyric that China would deem it unworth the cost and not do it. To this end anything "made in USA" should be shunned one of the first things China and their allies would do is to blockade the US so that nothing would be able to get in or out. 3.) Find a product or service that they can produce that is of great value to China and to attack would mean they lose access to this product or service. In such a situation, China is disincentivized to attack Taiwan. Furthermore if this product or service holds great value to China chances are it will to others ensuring the country has a reliable network of allies that can be counted on in times of need.

Would Taiwan declare war on any nation who attacked the US? Are Tawainese coming to America to fight alongside us when we're invaded? Will they provide financial or humanitarian assistance to our people? Will they help us rebuild our bombed out infrastructure? Will any nation come to our aid? I think everyone knows the answers to these questions is a resounding no.

Crusader said...

If China invades then there'll be a huge reappraisal on trade with China.
Not even the most Liberal of minds would be able to ignore this.
China's cronies/third-world indebted nations, will not be able to take up the slack.

Anonymous said...

The moment US decides to engage because of Taiwan it will not be just about Taiwan. China had been trying to prepare for US into a war. Lets not just forget that. China wants everybody to vow into them. Thats the reason why US is high lighted as a big foe and lets not just forget that.

Jac said...

Taiwan is a huge strategic island which is opening the Pacific Ocean for the Chinese Navy. All politician's know that and I don't know why the senate and Trump will not agree with that.

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