Friday, July 24, 2020

Chinese Media Is Noting The Increase In Activity Off The Coast Of China By US Spy Planes

A naval formation consisting of aircraft carrier Liaoning has conducted take-off and landing drills in the South China Sea on Jan. 1, 2017. The formation, which is on a "cross-sea area" training exercise, involved J-15 fighter jets, as well as several ship-borne helicopters. (Photo source:

Global Times: US sends spy planes to S.China, Yellow seas for info on PLA submarine, aircraft carrier moves: experts

On the same day news came out that the US asked China to close its Consulate General in Houston, the US military sent reconnaissance aircraft to the South China Sea and Yellow Sea, a move likely aimed at gathering intelligence on possible submarine and aircraft carrier movements by the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA), experts said on Thursday.

A US Navy P-8A maritime patrol aircraft and a US Army RC-12X signals intelligence collection aircraft on Wednesday entered the South China Sea and Yellow Sea respectively, according to the South China Sea Strategic Situation Probing Initiative (SCSPI), a Beijing-based think tank.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: It's not only US spy planes that are flying in this region .... B-1s Fly Through South China Sea Sending Message to Beijing (Air Force Magazine). Here is one exchange that you can listen to between U.S. and Chinese operators .... Listen: Chinese Air Force Urges US Spy Plane Nearing Coast to 'Change Your Course' (Sputnik).


Anonymous said...


What many people don't understand is that sometimes, when enough is enough, you have to establish firm borders and stances.

MAD, the doctrine of a mutually assured destruction, is dependent on all sides, including the general population on both sides, to be reminded what mutually assured means. That both sides have very big sticks. There's not just a newborn dragon, but there's also a very experienced and deadly eagle, as I like to say.

This is for the good of everyone. No one wants war. But China's push of theft and subversion, information and cultural and educational warfare, ie war by other means, must end and end now.

Why? No one gets hurt, they haven't started a war in sooo long and the concentration camps are surely not real... Donald Trump has put babies in cages at the border*leftist shriek on CNN panel of anal-ysts*

No. People have died.

China has executed dozens of our spies. A footprint in the NY times, stashed away. Those stars to be forgotten.

China has killed your relatives. No not through the Wuhan virus, you racist!;) but that too... obviously there's a lot of death already on China's hands because of the virus and how long they kept the information, letting everyone fly out, making the calculated move yo infect us all, then selling faulty masks to us, making the disease spread more, making profit of the deaths they caused by silently buying up all PPE prior to telling us about the severity of the disease. Insulting us on top. No. They've killed millions before this is over and told us not to complain.

And the left is conditioned to behave. Like a good dog.

"You're racist" woooff
"Bad racist don't call it Wuhan virus" woooofwoooof

The leftist dog complies. Good buy. Thinking is hard. Barking and shouting and tearing everyone down is easy.

But here's the thing. Three additional trillions lost this time and the trillions stolen earlier through IP theft, cyber espionage, data and copyright theft, trademark infringements and on and on. Governmentally sanctioned. Brutally enforced.

How many trillions? Combined, excluding the invaluable death, it might be in the 50 trillion. And this money was then partially even turned against us. Used to shape our culture. Pit us against each other.

But with those 50 trillion missing, A LOT of poverty came our way, and crime, and misery, and desperation and suicides. An entire generation lost. So many working 2-3 jobs because when that money went missing, taxes had to go up, profits went down. And our corporations then had to compete in such an environment, where one side can steal everything from you and then gets heavy CCP subsidies partially financed by this prior theft

The Chinese must understand that the west is thoroughly pissed, and arguably rightfully so. We might have lost millions through the criminal attack that's borderline outright war. Even the entire midwest conflict with 8-10 trillion cost over now 20 years is only a fraction of this.

Millions were lost for sure. Medications and treatment more and more unaffordable. Life qualities ruined.

China owes us more than an apology.

Anonymous said...

50 trillion, breakdown

Between 198x-2020, ie 30 odd years about 10 trillion in direct theft.

Compounded interest with an early starting point of first trillion amassed in late 95ish, say 2000 latest(!)..20+ years of interest and even higher return by boosting their own players with steroids through Gov protection and investments, making us lose trillions in competitive games, over 25 years.

- that money stolen also hurt our economy because there was lacking real capital and savings but politicians didn't explain it or address the China theft but let it go. This then led to the housing bubble where people could still get a house because the government bought the securities, enabling the fake American dream, because addressing China was hard. Obama didn't even address north Korea. Left trump a letter to do it and then sabotaged his presidency together with the media too dumb to see what's going on.

On top the direct costs to the world economy for the preventable severity of the Wuhan virus. In the US alone several trillion spent and lost, and its not over yet, estimates if pandemic lasts until 2022 are up to 15 trillion in the US alone lost until back to normal in maybe 2030 (normal being all debt for this paid back including interests). Europe may see 10 trillion lost.

And any money lost will hurt us double, triple, it's a compounding issue. Your life gets harder. You life less long. You take on more jobs to make ends meet. Everyone gets bitter. It poisons a culture, and then fake imagery of glorious China are shown. And a world future in which they promise we all be one and equal.

Let me ask you, do you think thieves and murderers see the victim as equal?

kidd said...

truth is what u feel not hear see

kidd said...

war is not truth unless u protec truth war is justify so put down your guns and joying YAHWEH b4 its too late

Jac said...

Anon 6:26,
You tell things better than my poor English can. Thank you so much, because these things have to be said. I strongly approve it.

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