Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Chinese State Media Says China Will Respond If President Trump Launches A Military Strike On Chinese Islands And Reefs In The South China Sea

Global Times: As China ‘will definitely retaliate’ military provocation, experts warn US not to escalate tensions

The increasing tensions between China and the US, the worsening COVID-19 epidemic situation, as well as the declining approval ratings of US President Donald Trump have raised concerns, among strategists and experts, of a military conflict between the two nuclear-armed powers caused by the dangerous US attempts.

Chinese experts said on Tuesday that China could be restrained on retaliating to new US provocations on politics, diplomacy or economy, because Chinese policymakers will not let the Trump administration use them for his reelection, and will wait for the presidential election result to decide how to respond.

Read more ....

Update: China's Military "Will Definitely Retaliate" If Trump Stages October Surprise: State-Run GT (Zero Hedge)

WNU Editor: The US is not going to launch an attack. But what concerns me is that for the past few months Chinese state media has been ginning up a war narrative with the US. To put this in perspective. I have not seen them behave like this in decades.


RussInSoCal said...

Get a clue. China. The US hates your guts. And one way to virtually guarantee a Trump reelection would be to precipitate a shooting exchange with the US military.

Jac said...

Yes, that's a little bit strange. It's look like they have the right to fight against us from their "islands" and are perfectly justified to retaliate if we just respond to their strike.

Anonymous said...

Guys please..

This is when two opponents face each other in front of a global public and both of those opponents have loyal supporters/ fans who cheer them on publicly and privately

Both talk a good game. Well usually the Chinese talk a lot.

But you see the Chinese don't talk for themselves. They form narratives and let others talk for them, to sort of legitimize narratives and make plays more believable. The fee for these positive narratives is often transferred through their parent companies. And through ads and editorials paid for. Business loans made. Investments granted. Licenses to do business in China given. Grants paid.

The Chinese use our own media and educational institutions against us. CNN is so non-critical of the Chinese CCP they might as well openly declare the trade:

We get money through you via our parent company, and we make the editorial decision to prioritise things that Trump said. And we highlight his "cages" at the Mexican border while not even showing the blind folded Muslim population in China being literally marched into trains and concentration camps, while their population shrank by 84%. And we will focus on BLM for months because America is just so bad and sinful. We will ignore all China does and has done for decades. We will tell people they're racist when they suggest it came from China. We will even call it fair reporting.

LeBronnne James didn't even want to offend his Chinese masters on the matters of Hong Kong, while people fight not to be suppressed. A struggle someone with his background should understand. But he doesn't want his brand name off his shirt to fight for a social justice cause either. He has" other priorities" he said. Ever wondered how Nazi Germany happened? Some, even those targeted, kept silent because they wanted to focus on their material priorities. Brand, name, money.

Your choice who you vote for.