Thursday, July 9, 2020

Democratic US Presidential Nominee Joe Biden Says If Elected He Will End The 'Era Of Shareholder Capitalism'

CNBC: Biden says investors ‘don’t need me,’ calls for end of ‘era of shareholder capitalism’

* “Throughout this crisis, Donald Trump has been almost singularly focused on the stock market, the Dow and Nasdaq. Not you. Not your families,” Biden said Thursday in a speech in Pennsylvania.
* Among the policies Biden described on Thursday is a tax hike for corporations.
* “There’s a lot of room in tax policy to be both sensible and fair and to promote economic growth,” said Jack Lew, a supporter of Biden and former Treasury secretary.

Presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, laying out his plans for an economic recovery Thursday, said President Donald Trump is too focused on the stock market during the coronavirus pandemic.

The former vice president, speaking at an event in Pennsylvania, said he wanted to end the “era of shareholder capitalism.”

“Throughout this crisis, Donald Trump has been almost singularly focused on the stock market, the Dow and Nasdaq. Not you. Not your families,” Biden said. “If I am fortunate enough to be elected president, I’ll be laser-focused on working families, the middle-class families I came from here in Scranton. Not the wealthy investor class. They don’t need me.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Biden's "buy America" plan is the same message that President Trump has been saying for years. But as for the rest of his campaign promises .... raising corporate taxes, raising taxes on the rich, environmental restrictions, using the Federal Reserve to eliminate racial wage disparities, open borders, no immigration enforcement, control of municipal zoning regulations, etc. ....WOW!. Is this the America that Americans want?

More News On Democratic US Presidential Nominee Joe Biden's Campaign Promises

Biden says his economic plan would create five million new U.S. jobs -- Reuters
Biden pushes populist 'made in America' plan to pump up economy -- FOX News
Biden lashes Trump in economic speech tinged with populist rhetoric -- Politico
Biden unveils $700bn 'buy American' proposal to revive US industry -- The Guardian
Stocks Slide As Biden Vows To "End Shareholder Capitalism", Raise Corporate Tax Rate To 28% -- Zero Hedge


Anonymous said...

"control of municipal zoning regulations"

Obama started it. That idea has been around since The Kenyan's (with no Kenyan blood) first term.

Like the ACA, Americans will get that bad idea forced on them, if Democrats keep getting 'elected.'

RussInSoCal said...

Joe forgets about the exodus of jobs during the Obama/Biden disaster. The "new normal" of certain jobs never coming back. The complete forfeiture of geopolitical leverage. The rank racial division perpetuated by Obama and Holder. The stumbling bigotry by Joe Biden. The 8 year economic flat-line that they presided over.

I don't believe his "made in America" spiel for a second.

Anonymous said...

Racial wage disparities are based on education.

Education is based on bad Democrat policies and governance. There is a reason why stats of large school districts run by mayors are talked about, fought over, and lied about.

The easiest route is to fix education.

Slow Joe is admitting that the Democrats want to put a second ban aid over the 1st band aid.

That reminds me of triage training.

When It Bleeds Through Just Add on More Dressings!

When It Bleeds Through Just Add on More Dressings!

Joe and his staff have no intention of fixing failing schools. His Fred Reserve comment is proof of it.

Anonymous said...

The country tried the democrats' ideas. The democrats soon lost the house, senate, and in the end, the presidency. obama had the country in his hands in the beginning of his first term. His policies, supported by an at the time majority in government, soon lost support. To me Biden is simply a re-run of those unacceptable attempts to change America to the likes of the socialist nightmares spread across the earth by an unrealistic crowd in congress who were soon voted out of office.
I believe the majority of people want work, not handouts and legislation that hinders job formation and international competitiveness. Open borders, increasing minimum wage levels, restrictive work regulations that do not enhance the country's ability to compete internationally are the result of political efforts based on ignorance and feel good mindsets. These efforts do not enhance the economy nor cure it's ills. 8 years of obamma and his appointees are proof of this.

Mike Feldhake said...

Nope, we don’t want it. Most Americans are just hard working people. Some Dems/libs speak of some utopian type changes but they don’t work. Backlash is booming as the Dems struggle to understand how this Country was built.