Friday, July 24, 2020

Editor's Note

For the past few weeks I have been completing a project that has been taking most of the time (it should have ended two weeks ago). Fortunately. I should be finished this Sunday. In the meantime blogging will be light from now until then.


Anonymous said...

Elderly Woman Denied Food as No One Speaks Swedish in Her Care Home

Liberals hate the elderly.

Anonymous said...

Sure I said before - thanks for all you work here. Your 'blog' is a must-read for me multiple times per day.

fab z said...

Did you see the NY times on Pentagon's recovered UFOs?

Adam said...

Good luck with the project, I look forward to your return.

Anonymous said...

Feds Force Entry Into Chinese Consulate in Houston, Take Fugitive Scientist Into Custody at San Francisco Consulate

Buckle up pilgrims. It is going to be a rough ride.