Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance May Be Expanded To Include Japan And Be Focused On China

The Guardian: Five Eyes alliance could expand in scope to counteract China

Plans mooted to pool strategic resources and lessen west’s dependency on China

The Five Eyes intelligence alliance could be expanded to include Japan and broadened into a strategic economic relationship that pools key strategic reserves such as critical minerals and medical supplies, according to centre-right MPs working internationally to decouple the west from China.

The coronavirus crisis has revealed the west’s key strategic dependencies on China, and plans will be announced shortly under Five Eyes auspices for a major increase in production of rare and semi-rare metals from Australia, Canada, and America in order to reduce dependency on Chinese stocks.

Critical minerals, known as rare earth elements, are the key components in a wide range of consumer products including mobile phones, laptops and TVs, and have widespread defence applications in jet engines, satellites, lasers and missiles. On average, China has accounted for more than 90% of the global production and supply of rare earths during the past decade, according to the US Geological Survey.

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WNU Editor: China makes no bones about it. They see the Five Eyes as a threat .... Beijing fires first shot against Five Eyes; more measures expected if situation continues escalating (Global Times).


Anonymous said...

The Global Times article posted by the WNU Editor is little more than Communist Chinese propaganda. For example, look at this gem of a sentence from the cited article:

"Washington has been re-molding the Five Eyes alliance in its devious campaign against China, and members of this alliance have been manipulated as chess pieces."

Jac said...

Obviously China has empty hands and is not on the initiative.