Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Foreign Fighters Key To ISIS Resurgence

National Interest: Foreign fighters key to ISIS resurgence as thousands join new militias

Latest figures from Kings College London show up to 53,000 people travelled to Syria to join ISIS

Legions of ISIS foreign fighters have fanned out across the globe to pose the threat of a resurgence by the group in territories from Syria into Asia.

Researchers at King's College London said more emphasis needed to be placed on the movement of veteran fighters to conflict zones in South-East Asia and Africa rather than their return to Europe.

Latest figures from the university showed that 53,000 people travelled to Syria to join ISIS between 2013 to 2018.

The report by researchers in the defence studies department at King’s, in collaboration with Institute for Strategic Studies, said that career foreign fighters increased the risk of an ISIS resurgence as thousands joined new militia groups.

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WNU Editor: Even though many foreign ISIS fighters have been killed in the past few years, many have also survived bringing their expertise and experience to other militant groups in other countries.


Anonymous said...

Strange bunch.

Anonymous said...

In other news Catholic Social Services and Lutheran Social Services are resettling former ISIS fighter, who have been made refugees from the caliphate.

No, factory, retail, trades, or professional job for the workers Catholic Social Services and Lutheran Social Services. No they get to do "God's work" on the government dime paid for honest taxpayers while telling all those others how righteous they are. They have all those virtue signaling rights and never have to break a nail.

Anonymous said...

The only way to control the spread of ISIS is very tough immigration and asylum limits on known ISIS members, suspected members or people who live in ISIS strong holds. For the USA it means making permanent the airline limits to countries where ISIS is strong. It means making permanent the ban on immigration and asylum to about 10 countries. It means another $30 billion over the next couple years to lengthen and strengthen the southern border fences and monitoring. It means more attention to the vast northern border. Centering around fencing is not a option of course given the vast water ways marking the border from the Minnesota-North Dakota border all the way to Vermont. It really means the end of globalism.

Anonymous said...

We do not need a fence on the Canadian/American border if Justine does her job at Canada's Ports of entry.

If Justine does not do her job, then maybe we need a wall and no trade with Canaduh!