Monday, July 13, 2020

Growing Concerns That The Nature Of The Covid-19 Coronavirus Would Make Vaccines Ineffective And Those Who Have Had Covid-19 Losing Their Immunity In A Few Months

TMIN: Scientists Discover That The One Big Assumption That Everyone Has Been Making About COVID-19 May Be Dead Wrong

Over the past several months, there has been a tremendous amount of debate about almost every aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic. People have been eager to debate about the severity of the virus, they have been eager to debate about the wisdom of the lockdowns, and they have been eager to debate about the effectiveness of wearing masks. But the one thing that everyone could pretty much agree on is that eventually this pandemic would end. Virtually all of us assumed that one way or another eventually most of the population would develop COVID-19 antibodies and that once we got to that point the pandemic would fizzle out. Unfortunately, it appears that was not a safe assumption to make.

Yes, those that have had COVID-19 do develop antibodies.

But two new scientific studies have discovered that those antibodies start to fade very, very quickly.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Russian media is also reporting the same thing. They have noticed that people can be infected again with Covid-19, and that their anti-bodies do disappear after a few months. I hope this news is not accurate. It would mean that a vaccine would not be effective, and herd immunity will be difficult to attain. Bottom line. Covid-19 may be with us for a very long time.


Anonymous said...

Never heard of that before with a disease. It would be a 1st. I don't believe in coincidences.

War News Updates Editor said...

Neither do I Anon.

Anonymous said...

Remember the good ole days 7 or 8 months ago, when unemployment was 4% or less and the biggest scourge on the face of America was liberal mayors turning their cities into homeless encampments?

Anonymous said...

This may be the start of a vast thinning of the human race on this planet.

Anonymous said...

About renaming your sports team...maybe consider your sport may not be played again for years.

Anonymous said...

Tinfoil hat-wearing armchair virologists at it again.

Anonymous said...

deny reality. it cares not

Anonymous said...

President Trump is blaming his biggest problem on his favorite enemy.

Trump held a press conference Monday where he was asked to explain why he constantly blames surging COVID-19 case counts on more testing. But he refused to acknowledge there simply are more coronavirus cases and hospitalizations out there now, instead asking why the gathered reporters weren't talking about the COVID-19 failures of the Obama administration.

"We have one of the lowest mortality rates anywhere," Trump falsely said Monday when asked how the U.S. will stop COVID-19 spread. Not only is America's coronavirus mortality rate far from the lowest in the world, it's also been deflated due to rampant testing and rising case numbers — not to mention that many people with COVID-19 face severe and debilitating illness without dying.

"Biden and Obama stopped their testing," Trump then said, referring to former President Barack Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden. "I'm sure you don't want to report it," Trump added to the reporter, which is probably true — the new coronavirus hadn't even infected a person until late 2019, well into Trump's presidency.

Trump also mistakenly said, as he often has, that the 1918 flu pandemic started in 1917.

Anonymous said...

Someone is really lathered up. Mrs must really be ready to leave after being cooped up for a whole weekend with bird brain! LOL! So Mrs went to work and bird brain hit the computer.

B.Poster said...

Anon (12:04) and WNU Editor,

I don't know if it is a "1st" but it would be VERY unusual. Presumably common colds are caused by completely different rhinoviruses. I have seen in the literature accounts of patients who have gotten this twice. Then again this is the most hyped disease in the history of the planet. Was the testing accurate the first time around? We have gotten better at testing than we were early on but I am still hearing of problems with this from sources I trust.

If these truly are patients who are getting this same viral disease twice, while perhaps not a first, it is an extraordinary claim and extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence to substantiate. Assuming this truly is the case and these patients are being infected twice by the same viral disease it is most likely that there is something unique in the physiology of the individuals that make them extra susceptible. In other words, this is likely a rare occurrence and the concept of herd immunity should still apply. Frankly the physicians who reported this should be looking into what are the unique qualities of the patients who are being infected by this twice so we can better gear treatments to assist these patients.

As I agree with both of you, coincidences are unlikely. Essentially my analysis would apply UNLESS this is some type of bio weapon. In this case, the normal rules of viral infections may not apply. Even still I would still expect our immune systems to get a handle on this. It might just take a little bit longer. For now, I am working under the assumption that "this is naturally occurring virus that escaped from a Chinese lab." If it is not, they need to tell us and they need to tell POTUS. After all he's formulated policies based upon herd immunity being developed in the normal of action based upon this being a naturally occurring pathogen and many of us have acted in this fashion as well.

Jac said...

Very skeptical. It's difficult to compare a "natural" immunity with a vaccine. The first is...depending of the individual response, the second is perfectly controlled.

logveee said...

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