Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Has The War Against Iran Burst Out Into The Open?

A satellite image of the Iran Centrifuge Assembly Center building on July 4, 2020, two days after an explosion. Google Earth/CNES/Airbus via Institute for Science and International Security

Paul R. Pillar, Responsible Statecraft: An undeclared war against Iran is bursting into the open

* A series of explosions and fires have struck Iran, hitting sensitive sites.
* It's not yet clear who is behind those attacks, but their targets, their frequency, and the recent history of similar events in the region point to two suspects: Israel and the US, writes US intelligence-community veteran Paul R. Pillar.

A series of violent attacks, involving explosions and fires, has been hitting Iran. The incidents have been too frequent and intense to be random accidents. They are part of an organized effort.

Caution is always advisable in attributing responsibility for such unclaimed acts, especially for all of us outside the government channels that possibly have better information about what is going on. But circumstances point strongly, as some mainstream press reporting reflects, to either or both of two suspects: the Netanyahu government in Israel, and the Trump administration in the United States.

Both of those suspects have track records that point that same way. The most conspicuous relevant act by the Trump administration was its assassination in January, with a drone-fired missile at the Baghdad airport, of Qassem Soleimani, one of the most prominent political and military figures in Iran.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Iran and Israel have been attacking each other for as long as I can remember. And as for explosions and fires happening in Iran. That is nothing new.


Anonymous said...

Paul Pillar is too partisan, too biased to ever be taken seriously on any policy by a Republican President.

Anonymous said...

Pillar is always Orange Man Bad.

Possible enemies sabotaging Iran include:

Saudi Arabia

The Turks and Iranians kind of get along, but there are big fracture zones there.

Azerbaijan has some sort of relationship with Israel and has a bone to pick with Iran.

Internal enemies of the Mullahs are:


Unhappy people, who are not and cannot do much against the Mullahs are:


Basically, if you are not a Persian and part of the in group, you despise or hate the Mullah Regime.

Anonymous said...

Right, right, right.
by the way this is funny, "Responsible Statecraft".

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