Thursday, July 9, 2020

How Big Is Democrat US Presidential Candidate Joe Biden's Lead In The Polls Against President Trump?

The Hill: Poll: Biden leads Trump by 4 percentage points in general election match up

Former Vice President Joe Biden leads President Trump by 4 percentage points nationwide in a new Hill-HarrisX general election poll.

Forty-three percent of registered voters said they would support Biden for president if the election were held today.

By contrast, 39 percent of voters in the July 3-4 survey said the same of Trump.

Five percent of voters said they prefer someone else. An additional 5 percent of voters said they do not plan to vote in the election, one percentage point up from the same survey conducted last month.

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WNU Editor: The methodology that was used in making the above Hill-HarrisX poll has not been released. I always get suspicious when that happens because it feels that they are hiding something. Another poll shows a 10% lead for Democrat Presidential candidate Joe Biden .... Rasmussen: Election is Trump’s to lose, and he's doing that, 40% to Biden's 50% (Washington Examiner). The problem that I have with Rasmussen is that he always over samples Democrats, and they have done the same in this poll by about 7%. So what is the political sentiment in the U.S.? Two other polls from publications that are not sympathetic to President Trump have caught my attention .... 10 Percent of Democrats Will Vote for Trump, Poll Says (Newsweek), and this one .... Young Black voters say they aren't enthusiastic about a Joe Biden presidency (USA Today). Bottom line. Democrat Presidential candidate Joe Biden may not have the lead that many polls are saying that he has.


Jac said...

I strongly agree with you. Both Democrat and Republican party have a problem with Trump: he is a "civilian" and not a "politician". It would be a huge question if a "civilian" without a "politician" background succeed. This make American looking twice before voting for a professional politician for Presidency. This make both party loosing their hand for future candidate.

RussInSoCal said...

Scott Rasmussen is no longer affiliated with the polling company that bears his name. He left in 2013. The original methodology stayed intact through 2016, but it its evident that now that those same metrics are no longer used.

There was another poll in 2016 which consistently had Trump ahead throughout the campaign - the LA Times presidential poll.

Anonymous said...

there are at least ten polls that do this stuff. Pick the one that favors your view rather than averaging them. and when polls show your person losing, cite Hillary polls and say polls not to be believed. But if that is the case, why bother with polls to begin with?

Anonymous said...

Good point Jac. Trump is not one of the "old boys" network of professional politicians.