Saturday, July 25, 2020

India Deploys Its Fleet Of Mig-29 Jets To Face China

An Indian Navy MiG-29K. U.S. Navy

Forbes: India Gets Desperate For Mountain Fighters, Sends Navy MiGs North

The Indian Navy plans to deploy 20 of its 45 MiG-29 carrier-borne fighters to the Himalayas to reinforce air force jets flying patrols over a disputed region bordering China.

The MiG-29Ks are supposed to fly from the fleet’s new aircraft carrier Vikrant. But Vikrant is years behind schedule, freeing up the MiGs and their pilots for land-based operations.

Desperation on the part of the air force might also be a factor in the decision to send navy fighters into the mountains.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The military balance favours India for now .... India-China War: US Study Explains Why Indian Air Force Could Outgun China In A Border Conflict (Eurasian Times).


Jac said...

Yes it is. And it will be more if China have a big challenge in South China sea.

fazman said...

If IAF performance against Pakistan is, anything to go by, China needn't worry.

jimbrown said...

Which side has better food?

fazman said...

Lemon chicken any day