Thursday, July 23, 2020

Is President Trump 'The First Racist President' Of The United States?

Daily Mail: Joe Biden calls Donald Trump 'the first racist president' of the United States while Trump insists he has done more to help black Americans than anyone since Abraham Lincoln

* Joe Biden on Wednesday addressed a virtual town hall organized by a union
* Biden was asked by a health-care worker about Trump terming COVID 'China flu'
* Biden said Trump's discrimination of people was 'absolutely sickening'
* He said racists have 'tried to get elected president. He's the first one that has'
* Trump responded that he helped more black people than anyone since Lincoln

Joe Biden has described his rival for the presidency in November's election as the first racist president of the United States.

Biden on Wednesday, speaking at a virtual town hall organized by the Service Employees International Union, was asked about the president's description of COVID-19 as 'kung flu' and the 'China virus'.

A health-care worker at the meeting expressed concern that Trump continues to blame Asians for the coronavirus pandemic.

Read more ....

Update #1: Biden says Trump is first racist U.S. president (CNBC)
Update #2: Biden calls Trump the first racist to win the presidency (CNN)

WNU Editor: I always refer people to the bottom image when they accuse President Trump of being a racist.


Hans Persson said...

Stop giving Biden credit with posts like this. Biden is using clickbaits for his campaign.

Matthew Putnam said...

This is what happens when feelings play a more important role in your life than reason. One also leads to a much higher rate of individual success than the other. Imagine a party platform that only deals in emotional feel feels and doesn't treat you like an individual adult who is capable of acting independently of your identity group, and tells you that your individual life decisions are not your responsibly and instead that your problems come directly from an oppressive and corrupt system under the tyranny of orange man bad.

---Imagine a white androgynous fat wild hoove beast land whale creature thing with purple knotted hair twerking atop a toppled, graffiti covered statue of Abraham Lincoln who is indigestively belching "Black lives matter" at the global warming sun god. This is the image and mascot of the modern democrat party.

Gerplonk! :D

Anonymous said...

YTump is no racist.

He is not like Senator Byrd.

He is not like LBJ.

He is not like Woodrow Wilson.

He is not like FDR. FDR kept blacks out of New Deal programs. He was such a powerful president!

He is not like The Clintons who get into fights, throw things at each other, and call each other anti-Semitic names.

Anonymous said...

Liberals feed us lies and call it truth. They say Byrd turned over a new leaf.

So why did he get off on playing a Confederate general in the movie "Gods and Generals" ?

Anonymous said...

Trump actually loves his Jewish grandchildren and kissed the Western Wall.

Can your average Luddite Liberal say that?

Anonymous said...


Mike Feldhake said...

Hans said it best!!

Anonymous said...

No. He's the first lazy, fat ass fascist dipshit tyrant in America's shitty history.

Anonymous said...

And he's beating you. No wonder you're angry. Lololololo

Anonymous said...

The 2018 election when the GOP clown car lost the house was quite a beating. Great points as always.

Anonymous said...

Lol funny how fat shaming is ok to the left as long as you target a white Republican man. I remember full well how everyone on every network (ccn and msnbc especially) laughed at statues and posters shaming Trump for being obese

I can't wait to see them defeated. They're the worst hypocrites in this planet

They live by different judicial and moral laws. They're sick. And I mean it. Anything goes..fat shaming, labeling people racist, cancelling shows, suppressing news, distorting truth and outright lying, coming after people's jobs.

They're almost as bad as China/ the CCP .. this cult of silencing and suppression and terror tactics and mobs

Maxine waters, who openly called for the formation of mobs and the harassment of Republicans - and many have been beaten now and harassed and silenced- still has her job.

It is unbelievable

Anonymous said...

Is just an angry loser, doing his whining. Watch he'll whine some more with the same refrain. Lololo

Anonymous said...

You know what they call one-term presidents. Losers.

A certain skinny black guy won two terms. One more than the fascist diaper-wearer who is playing out the string. See you on November 4!

Anonymous said...

Promise? Look at him whine. Lololo

Anonymous said...

5:25 sure worries about fat and skinny, guess that means he's enlightened.

Anonymous said...

That guy doesn't even live here and can't vote.

Anonymous said...

5:25 is special. He s going to stuff his ballot(s) from overseas into a voting box the day after the election.