Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Is The U.S. On The Cusp Of A Counter-Revolution To The Current Chaos?

Federal law-enforcement officers face off against rioters in Portland, Ore., July 24, 2020. (Caitlin Ochs/Reuters)

Victor Davis Hanson, National Review: Waiting for the Counterrevolution

As the rioting continues, Democrats and the media attempt to blame it all on Trump, and most Americans watch and worry, in silence.

We are in the midst of a revolution, a cultural and racial one, that seeks to refute the past, damn the present, and hijack the future. So far, however, we have only heard from one side, the revolutionaries and their enablers themselves.

Those trying to reject and then reboot America are small as a percentage of the population, but their tactics are diverse, and their frightened abettors and closet appeasers numerous. The result for now is that, as with most cultural revolutions, a tiny percentage of the population seems to be ascending, given that there is no real organized resistance other than isolated and disgusted individuals.

The cultural revolutionaries are a tripartite group.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: When it comes to politics most of the people that I know in the US are progressive Democrats. And when I talk to them I tend to stay away from expressing my own political view. I am more interested in knowing what other people think and what drove them to have a point of view instead of pushing my own agenda. Unfortunately .... the pandemic and being busy for the past few months killed a lot of my free time to talk. But for the past two days I have had the chance to call a lot of my American friends, and to find out what is happening in their lives. The response has  been an eye-opening experience, especially when it came to politics and the current social unrest. My progressive friends in the U.S. despise President Trump, and that is something that has not changed int the past few years. But they also do not support the violence and destruction that they are seeing in many of America's cities. One of my closest friends lives in Manhattan. He is a life-long Democrat who told me in 2016 that he was going to vote for Trump (albeit reluctantly), and was the first to tell me that President Trump was going to win the Presidency. So when I talked to him today I was curious to know what he was thinking. He spent a good five to ten minutes blasting President Trump, but spent the next 45 minutes blasting Democrats, from New York City mayor Bill de Blasio, New York Governor Cuomo, the Democrat Party, Congress, Biden, and the media. He is not happy. And he told me that even though he does not want to vote for President Trump again, he believes the alternative will be worse. And he is not alone. What I learned from my American friends is that a good part of the Democrat base no longer feel that they belong. That the party that they have always been proud to be a part of has now morphed into something that they cannot support. De-funding the police. Toppling George Washington statues. Vandalizing the Lincoln and World War II memorials. Riots and mayhem in cities that are primarily run by Democrats. Maybe some in the Democrat party support this. But among almost all of my Democrat friends. They do not want to be a part of this, nor have these people running the federal government. As for my Republican friends. That base is solidly behind President Trump. Definitely more so now than in 2016.

Update: It is too late .... Dems starting to panic that voters will blame them for riots (American Thinker).


Mike Feldhake said...

Couldn’t have said it better. Any Dem that votes for Biden are sick people. Hell, vote a writer if you have to, don’t vote but these Lib leaders are being reckless. They are following the squad and their anarchistic ways.

Mike Feldhake said...

And BTW: I am a conservative for sure, but believe we need a strong two/three party system.

Anonymous said...

"He spent a good five to ten minutes blasting President Trump, but spent the next 45 minutes blasting Democrats, from New York City mayor Bill de Blasio, New York Governor Cuomo, the Democrat Party, Congress, Biden, and the media. "

So I will make a guess. He supports BLM the concept, but not BLM Inc (INCORPORATED) run by Marxists?

Most everyone believes BLM. Who doesn't? If you believe all lives matter and black lives is a subset of all lives, then you believe Black lives matter. That logic is simply the intersection of mathematical set theory and morality.

But too many liberals do not believe in set theory. They talk a good game and borrow the concept of intersection from geometry to look erudite, but most wise liberals eschew geometry, set theory and every other concept from math.

Anonymous said...

"Cops pull out: Democrats in need of convention protection can now call a hippie"

Words, threats, and policies (proposed and enacted) have consequences dear liberals.


Anonymous said...

"One hundred police agencies delivered a vote of ‘no confidence’ in the Democrats’ fitness to govern, pulling out from contracts to protect the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, just three weeks before kickoff."

Which is a godsend to Slow Joe's handlers. Now they have an excuse to keep him locked up in the kennel.

China Joe cannot speak publicly for 5 minutes without a script and an approved list of fawning or slobbering media questioners.

If you slobber on an old person with the disease of dementia can you catch it? Does the CDC have a vaccine to protect our press corps(e)?

Anonymous said...

Videos show NYPD officers being doused with water

Remember a year ago?

Democrats go off on it. It was so good they did not have sex for a month after watching it.

Muslim Democrat Political Candidate in IllinoisEndorsed by Hillary Clinton – Says She’s Been Watching Video of Assault of Federal Officer on Repeat, Laughing Non-Stop

Typical Democrat politician circa 2020

Hillary endorsed.

Anonymous said...

The vaunted prior occupant of the White house is certainly quiet these days. Couldn't begin to guess. No portable teleprompters?
The dimz in office at various levels are a cowardly party, focused on getting back to the "glory days" when the presidency, senate and congress were theirs. If they weren't they too would be speaking out against the excess of current times. They are children whose behavior is about to receive a paddling.

Anonymous said...

Biden. Bernie and AOC send their very best shock troops

Genius Award: Officials Identify Shirtless Antifa Arsonist Inside Portland Justice Center — After Noticing His Name Tattooed on his Back

Anonymous said...

My liberal friends here in Southern California have to break through (or ignore) 3 levels of political stupidity to get to Trump, yet they always find a way...

Anonymous said...

Trump has failed as a leader in everything he has done. simple as that.
Virus? leadership? fail
health care promised? fail
wall and illegals? fail
foreign policy? fail
Iran and nukes? fail
China and expansion? fail
Syria? fail
Afghanistan and Taliban? fail
Budget constraint? fail

Anonymous said...


Nice of you to show up Fred with your usual useless analysis.

"wall and illegals"
Border Patrol agents like it. Maybe the majority of them are Hispanic-American, so don't try pulling out the race card. Border Patrol agents would know how much better than wall is than someone like you or a dishonest (d)emocrat pundit.

"foreign policy"
Trump has not had an Obama success. Remember when Obama declared Libya was an example of smart power? Or when he declared success in Yemen?

When Trump took over on 1/20/2017 ISIS was still alive in Syria and blowing things up around the world. Obama ran Russian manpads and other weapons from Libyan arsenals while not really have much of a positive effect for the forces of freedom in Syria. In fact Obama sat by as the Kurds were being exterminated in Kobane and elsewhere until public pressure forced him to have the Air force lift a pinky finger. Then Putin started helping Assad and Obama was forced to use 2 pinkie fingers. If you look at the number of sorties by the Air force and the targets, they show that Obama did jack shit until his hand was forced.

Do you remember Kobane? You wouldn't. You were not given the talking points. So you are excused.

Anonymous said...

“…But you know, in the 2020 census, which is now two censuses ago…”

- Joe "Not all There" Biden, yesterday

Anonymous said...

Only one way to heaven fools

Jac said...

WNU, yes!