Sunday, July 19, 2020

Kremlin Orders 'Surprise' Military Exercises Near Southern Border With Ukraine, Caspian, Black Seas

Russia has ordered a snap preparedness drill involving 150,000 troops, 400 aircraft and 100 naval vessels, right on border with Ukraine (file image)

Daily Mail: Putin orders snap military drills involving 150,000 troops and hundreds of aircraft and naval vessels on Ukrainian border to ensure 'security in Russia's southwest'

* Russia is conducting snap military drills along its southern border with Ukraine
* 150,000 troops are involved and will test readiness for larger drill in September
* It comes just hours after Ukraine announced its own drills, also in September
* Country's defence minister has warned Russia could invade under cover of a drill

President Vladimir Putin has ordered snap military drills involving 150,000 troops along with hundreds of aircraft and naval vessels on the border of Ukraine.

Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said the drill is intended to test the readiness of troops ahead of the Caucasus 2020 war games, due to take place in September.

The announcement came just hours after Ukraine's Defence Minister Andriy Taran announced his country would be holding its own drills the same month, and encouraged NATO forces to join.

Taran has warned that Caucasus 2020 could be used as cover to invade Ukraine, where Russian-backed separatists have been fighting the government since 2014.

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WNU Editor: Ukraine worries that this exercise may be used as a pretext to invade. This exercise is more about the Armenia - Azerbaijan war. What the West may not know is that the Caucasus could explode tomorrow.

More News On Russia's Latest Military Exercise

Russia holds military exercises in southwest amid flare-up between Azerbaijan and Armenia
-- Reuters
Russia orders 'surprise' military drill in Caspian, Black seas -- UPI
About 150,000 Russian troops go on high alert in snap combat readiness check -- TASS
Russian Army's Snap Combat Readiness Check Unrelated to Armenia-Azerbaijan Border Tensions -- Sputnik
Russian Defense Ministry informs foreign counterparts of snap combat readiness drill -- TASS


Anonymous said...

Who would be Russia's main opponent if the Caucuses did erupt?

Anonymous said...

Exactly, anon. Russia will get involved voluntarily if it does get involved militarily.

Anonymous said...


Try that again logically in any language.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I see what you mean, upon a rereading. OK. Here goes:

If Russia does get involved it will be voluntary as I see no threat from either Armenia, Azerbaijan, or Ukraine to Russia.

Anonymous said...

TYVM, I understand completely now.

Anonymous said...

As if we don't have enough war and bloodshed already

The world has so many war zones and conflict zones, it's absolutely fcking crazy. There's a pandemic going on on top. China is robbing everyone blind. jesus fcking christ humans suck :)) :/