Wednesday, July 22, 2020

MIT Study: Global COVID-19 Cases Could Be 12 Times Higher Than Reported. Deaths 50% Higher

MIT Management: COVID-19 cases are 12 times higher than reported

The global spread of COVID-19 is significantly underreported. But we’re far from herd immunity and testing has limited value at this point. Physical distancing and masks can help.

Consider the U.K.: population 66 million, 314,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19, and 44,000 deaths. Now consider Germany: 80 million people, 195,000 confirmed cases, 9,000 deaths (as of July 1).

Notable differences.

But what accounts for these disparities? Why have COVID-19 infection rates and fatalities differed so greatly between otherwise similar countries? The reasons are complicated, dependent on connections between a sweeping range of variables, from testing and individual behavior to hospital capacity and social policy.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The study is here .... Estimating the Global Spread of COVID-19 (SSRN).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One death per 10,000 people. All in nursing homes except for 3. The non Nursing home victims were 2 in their 70's and a 55-ish person with multiple underlying conditions.

But let us wreck the economy, because increased poverty brings increased longevity and quality of life. /s

Printing money bring s inflation. During QE1, QE2, QE3, twist and Q∞ .

People asked, where the inflation was. It was not apparent. Then it was said that it appeared in places like Vietnam.

So the countries with reserve countries and print money get the riches (or at least the top 1% do) and the countries that are industrializing and actually make stuff get the shitty end of the stick.

So another round of giving developing countries the shitty end of the stick.

Can't have inflation here. No siree, we need people fat, dumb, and happy to vote Democrat or RINO until corona claims them due to obesity.