Friday, July 3, 2020

Most Americans Say The Pandemic Is Getting Worse

Gallup: Assessment of U.S. COVID-19 Situation Increasingly Bleak

* 65% say the situation is getting worse, the highest in Gallup's trend
* Sharp increase in those expecting situation to persist through 2020
* More Americans are worried about getting the disease

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- As coronavirus infections are spiking in U.S. states that previously had not been hard-hit, a new high of 65% of U.S. adults say the coronavirus situation is getting worse. The percentage of Americans who believe the situation is getting worse has increased from 48% the preceding week, and from 37% two weeks prior.

The latest results, from June 22-28, are based on Gallup's online COVID-19 tracking survey, which interviews weekly random samples from Gallup's probability-based panel. Last week, governors in many states paused or rolled back plans to ease restrictions on economic activity as states in the South and West dealt with a surge in coronavirus infections and hospitalizations.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The number of cases is exploding .... U.S. coronavirus cases soar by more than 50,600 in record single-day jump (CNBC). But hospitalizations and deaths have not exploded. The next few weeks are going to be critical.


RussInSoCal said...

I call it the BLM spike.

Anonymous said...

America's organizations are corrupt. The Democrat governors are corrupt. Michigan and Illinois governors have been sued and lost in court. They are waging aggressive, unprovoked economic warfare against Trump of the dead bodies the citizens of their states. Hospitals to curry favor or get more cash are corrupt. Most journalists are corrupt.

"Most hospitals require a COVID test before elective surgery. This means that patients coming to the hospital for a non-COVID reason are tested for COVID, and if positive are being counted as a “COVID hospitalization.” If a patient goes to the hospital for a new hip or cataract surgery, and happens to test positive for COVID, they are counted as a COVID hospitalization.

Just like inflated death counts, there is a big difference between dying or being hospitalized due to coronavirus or with coronavirus. George Floyd tested positive for COVID but no one is attributing his death in Minneapolis to COVID. Yet that is how hospitalizations are being counted, leading to this so-called surge in cases."

Did George Floyd die of COVID?

A sane person would say he died of wooden chest and a bad cop. A bureaucrat cum statistician would mark it down as COVID.

Disease counting is a scam.

Anonymous said...

Some people are being treated for COVID with aspirin and it works!

Anonymous said...

Protective Effect of Aspirin on COVID-19 Patients (PEAC)


Trump’s China tariffs have not caused Americans to pay $1,000 more a year. Here’s why. - Washington Post - Jan 2020

So Trump launched a needed trade war or jsut fought back in the War China declared on us. People said he was stupid and then COVID comes and they all want to sue China and actually start moving manufacturing.

US and China in war of words as Beijing threatens to halt supply of medicine amid coronavirus crisis

DUMB GUY > Obama

Obama "Magic Wand" Speech

“Well, how exactly are you going to do that? What exactly are you going to do? There’s no answer to it,"

"He just says, 'Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.' Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have? And usually the answer is, he doesn’t have an answer.” - Obama June 1, 2016

Most of our prescription drugs are manufactured overseas — but are they safe?

"Most of the North American supply of aspirin, for example, comes from China, which produces about 120 billion tablets per year. Other widely used drugs, such as omeprazole and simvastatin often come from Puerto Rico and India"

Many of the drugs manufactured in India have precursors from China.

Summary: Trump was smart to want to shift manufacturing to the US and/or away from China. Companies did just that in February through April 2020. Between tariffs and COVID it happened. Obama ...Obama did not try.

Mike Feldhake said...

This is a GOOD thing! Exposing ourselves builds the Hurd immunity and it’s what we needed to have happen. Politicians and the media suck.

Anonymous said...

Herd immunity can begin at as low as 20% by some calculations.

Stephen Davenport said...

It is a political scam, we all know the real 411 on this virus and who is most affected by it. The government are still playing the generic no details game with it. I am a smart man and know how to add and subtract. Not rocket science. Its a political game being played now, nothing more and nothing less.

B.Poster said...

The exponential increase in testing and Contact tracing is also making a huge difference and we are increasing in these areas. As such, it should come as no surprise that the number of positive tests and percentage of positive tests has increased significantly. As long as this continues America's COVID-19 cases will be much higher than that of the rest of the world.

Anonymous said...

COVID-19 Herd Immunity Is Much Closer Than Antibody Tests Suggest, Say 2 New Studies

"If the German study's results prove out, that would suggest that earlier common cold coronavirus infections may provide about eight in 10 people some degree of immune protection from the COVID-19 virus."

If the encoded enzyme in COVID-19 is different than that of a COVID that causes common cold (15% of colds), a person might still have some protection against COVID-19 having never be exposed since 1 or 2 or the protein coat or shell of the different viruses are the same.

Anonymous said...

Плакат у тебя тупой кусок дерьма. Вы извергаете путинскую линию еще раз. Ты тупой придурок и тебе нужно вымочить голову водкой и перестать быть роботом, как тролль ... все здесь мудро для тебя

Anonymous said...

Notice this: the media and Democrats told you NOT to call it Wuhan virus or you're racist. Racist? But all viruses are named after their origin. Why go all nuclear on people and call them racist?

See how instead of blaming China they now blame Trump for the virus? Democrats were holding parades in China town while he stopped flights from China to the US. Had he not done so many many more Americans would have died (the early version that hit Italy and NYC was deadlier)

So while you're being poisoned and your life earnings are destroyed because of a virus from China, instead of holding them accountable the media tells you you're racist if you ask questions or support Trump.

The same leftist media that has taken billions(!) in Ad dollars from China between 2015-2020. All on public record. At least the official numbers.

That very same media that supported outsourcing towards China and caused an opioid crisis in the aftermath.

That media tells you not to call it Wuhan virus and that those mobs that killed scores of cops and burned and rioted are"peaceful".. They are good and you're bad. They tell you not to vote for Trump "or else".. you might lose your job. Maxine Waters(Democrat of course) called for the formation of mobs. She was applauded on CNN while Republicans were beaten in the streets for just wearing a hat.

Freedom in America it's dead if the left and China has its way.

If they're ok with you being beaten(!) and fired for opposing their agenda you know they're ok with much worse

I wonder if the Epstein Weinstein child pedophilia connection is true.

And get this: Bill Gates who pushes the vaccination for the Chinese virus was 3 times on the pedophile island. Ok maybe to just visit we don't know. BUT BILL CLINTON WAS 20+ TIMES ON THE LOLITA EXPRESS and Hillary Clinton and the media seem to do anything for avoiding that discussion. And it's not only men involved in that scandal. Also women. They just arrested Epstein's old girlfriend who enabled him. Hillary Clinton was enabling much too. And CNN/MSNBC call Trump all sorts of names in the book. They call him racist. Sexist. Fascist

But who are the ones using terror and cancel culture? It is the left.

If Trump loses, China and these demons on the left who sell you out in a heartbeat win.

Also don't forget: Anthony Weiner.. also Democrat.. also convicted pedophile. Directly and closely connected to Hillary Clinton

Dig, dig!

This terror rule must end and all those working with China and that pedophile ring must be brought to justice. Even Hillary Clinton and bill Clinton. I don't care how well connected they are. They must be held accountable. CNN has three sex offenders working for them as you read this. MSNBC had several and tried to cover it all up.

How deep this goes is anyone's guess but if you vote Democrat they will bury all of this. They will bury the Wuhan virus China connection, while you're gasping for air they will tell you you're a racist for even considering to vote for Trump who did much more for African Americans than Obama by the way.

WaPo(owned by Jeff Bezos who owns Amazon and made multiple billions in profit of the Wuhan virus) banned books on the Wuhan virus and finances hit job articles in the Washington Post on Trump

Freedom/ democracy doesn't die in darkness as they say. It dies in bright daylight. On television. You're being programmed to believe a narrative. Called racist if you resist while people burn your history.

No more.


Vote Trump.

Good luck ya'll

B.Poster said...

What anon @ 12:14PM said, nothing else to add.

Anonymous said...

Снова путинский поцелуй следует за командами фашистского лидера, чтобы вызвать хаос в Америке. Если он не сделает так, как приказал, он будет рыть рвы в Сибири. Продолжай, пенис лизать