Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Pentagon Concerned Over U.S. Federal Law Enforcement Officers Dressed Like Military Troops

Politico: Esper concerned over federal agents dressed like military troops in U.S. cities

Images of federal agents in Portland this week echoed June's protests, when law enforcement used violence against mostly peaceful protesters.

Defense Secretary Mark Esper has raised concerns within the administration about federal agents patrolling the streets of U.S. cities in camouflage uniforms similar to those worn by troops in war zones, his spokesperson said Tuesday.

After nationwide protests over racial injustice and police violence erupted in June, Esper expressed concern that in some cases, federal law enforcement officers were being confused with troops because of their similar uniforms, said Jonathan Hoffman, chief Pentagon spokesperson. Esper urged efforts to more clearly distinguish between the two, Hoffman said.

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More News On The Pentagon Being Concerned Over U.S. Federal Law Enforcement Officers Being Dressed Like Military Troops

Pentagon: Esper concerned about law enforcement officers wearing military garb -- The Hill
Defense Secretary Esper has ‘concern’ about federal agents wearing military camo uniforms, spokesman says -- FOX News
SecDef Wants to Stop Federal Law Enforcement Agents Dressing Like US Troops -- Military.com


RussInSoCal said...

I have never seen a more feeble, frightened nobody appointed to SECFEF. I wish for once that Esper would get on the same page as the Commander in Chief. This recurrent back-stabbing has become a tiresome pattern.

Fire Caspar Milquetoast now.

Anonymous said...

This is part of their game. They don't give a flying sh|t about what happens to their cities even as they disintegrate before our very eyes, but are quick to show animosity toward anything that actually offers some kind of a solution to the lawlessness. I suppose the only thing that would fix this is for Portland, Seattle, Chicago, and NYC to burn to the ground just before a national election. Short of that, they (the politico elites) actually WANT chaos. That's the only logical conclusion that can be drawn. This is as serious a circumstance as this country has faced since the late sixties, and probably more so. There are some powerfully seditious forces at work right now. In equal measures, comrades, pray and keep your powder dry.

Anonymous said...

One reason that police have more weaponry is that they were outgunned.

During a bank robbery in LA 2 perps wore body armor and used assault rifles. Police were unable to stop them with a hail of 9 mm. So they had to go to a local gun store to beg for high powered weapons.

Police are in camo? About time they are fighting guerillas. Antifa are guerrillas. They train tactically, They have a cell like structure to prevent discovery. There are legitimate vehicles for debate and change. Antifa chooses illegal means.


Also what Russ said.

12:01 looks like mimicry to me. Looks like a troll.

Stephen Davenport said...

Who cares what the DoD thinks.

copley7 said...

If Trump is reelected, both Milley and Esper are history.

Esper is just lost in space, and Milley is an Obama generation sycophant who needs to go join that other hack Mattis in retirement. Lost all respect for these military losers like Mattis and Milley.