Saturday, July 25, 2020

Picture Of The Day

A federal law enforcement officer pushes a mother back during a demonstration against the presence of federal law enforcement officers and racial inequality in Portland, Oregon, US, 21 July 2020. © REUTERS / Caitlin Ochs

WNU Editor: The above picture is from this photo-gallery .... This Week in Pictures: 18 - 24 July (Sputnik)


RussInSoCal said...
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Amp1776 said...

"A federal law enforcement officer pushes a retard back during a demonstration"

There thats better.

Layguy said...

On no... not a mommy! Have they pushed a daddy too?

Anonymous said...

She is not a rioter. It may be argued that she is not a mommy, but a baby mama instead.

Does this uneducated doofus of a female homo sapiens look funny?

Looks like bug eyes there had googles and a gas mask. She also has a knapsack. Se the straps around her shoulders?

What is in the knapsack, baby formula, spare diapers or riot supplies.

These rioters are as sophisticated as gangs. Gangs use juveniles to hold drugs, because they know they cannot do hard time. It is a divisions of labor.

This asshole baby mama is partaking of a similar system.

If nothing else asshole baby mama is using herself a human shield for rock throwers. Rocks are weapons of war.

How many Indians and Chinese died from clubs, rocks and fists in the most recent skirmish?

Anonymous said...

And why is the mother part so important to put it in the headline?

That's discriminatory and hurtful to the childless women and transgender men!!!!! OMG!!!!

Also, OJ Simpson had a mother. And he turned out to become a Murderer! Therefore ALL mums should be abolished!!!!! Defund mums!!!!! Wohhhooooo I feel good.. virtue signaling rush works no matter how stupid or hurtful the idea..woooohhoooooo

See, we can play looney home too.

Anonymous said...

Liberal dream outcome for the future

logveee said...

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