Monday, July 20, 2020

President Trump Finally Publicly Tells People To Wear A Mask

President Trump tweeted Monday that 'many' people say it's 'Patriotic to wear a face mask when you can't socially distance.' 'There is nobody more Patriotic than me, your favorite President,' Trump added

Daily Mail: Donald Trump FINALLY publicly tells people to wear a mask with tweet saying 'many people say it is patriotic' to cover up adding: 'nobody is more patriotic than your favorite president!'

* President Trump tweeted Monday in support of mask-wearing, which he suggested was patriotic
* 'Many people say that it is Patriotic to wear a face mask when you can't socially distance,' Trump wrote
* He added, 'There is nobody more Patriotic than me, your favorite President!'
* Trump included a black and white picture of himself wearing a mask at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
* The June 12 Walter Reed trip marked the first time Trump allowed himself to be photographed wearing a mask
* In April, the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention recommended that the American public wear masks to prevent the spread of the coronavirus
* But at the time, Trump said it was not for him, telling aides behind-the-scenes that he'd look ridiculous and feared the visuals would be used in campaign ads

Nearly four months after President Trump said mask-wearing was not for him, he sent out a tweet Monday suggesting people should cover their faces to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

'We are United in our effort to defeat the Invisible China Virus, and many people say that it is Patriotic to wear a face mask when you can't socially distance,' Trump wrote. 'There is nobody more Patriotic than me, your favorite President!'

Trump then included a photo of him wearing a mask from his visit to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center earlier this month.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: I wear a mask when I am in a public place with people. Being doing so since the beginning of March. But I am the first to admit that I do not know if masks work as efficiently as many are claiming. The Covid-19 coronavirus has a diameter of 0.1. microns. The masks that most people are wearing can only filter up to 10 microns. The exception are N-95 masks .... Fact check: No, N95 filters are not too large to stop COVID-19 particles (USA Today). But aside myself, most people I meet are not wearing N-95s. They are wearing regular face masks. So is this a waste of time?


Anonymous said...

Wnu.. it's a misconception.. let me explain

1. The virus itself is of varying size. They're not uniformly shaped. Nothing in nature is
2. The virus coagulates at the membrane of the mask, some masks are purposefully enhancing coagulation making the resulting mass to big
3. Something always goes through, that's where LD50 and similar ways of assessing quantities, like viral load, come into play. Most immune systems are able to handle X amount coming through. In nature and immune defense everything is about doses. Even if your active immune (antibodies, cells etc) would be 100% disabled, quantity still matters. Why? Because all biological matter entering your body is subject to degradation. It's entropy, baby
4. Most of the virus someone spreads are spread through droplets which are huge in comparison and have no chance going through an N95.
5. A virus that's purely by itself, without a carrier object like a droplet is the nightmare scenario but even in military labs hard to achieve. Things tend to coagulate also due to gravity and other forces. It's a matter of size and other forces that you need to get juuuuust right for an effective spread.

In short: the masks work a lot. Wear them. But: more importantly, keep distance. The 6 feet is just made up by some idiot and was propagated as hard fact. I'd not be indoors with anyone you don't know is safe. Not 6 feet, not 20 feet unless windows are open and you've got UV/ daylight blasting in

My guess, from everything I've seen, the way it infects, the perfect balance it achieves between lethality, asymptomatic phase, spread and illnesses caused, tells me it's a lab experiment gone wrong, and perhaps even released on purpose. A gain-of- function virus straight from the Wuhan lab.

I'd also suggest we are at war with China and should treat this as a first strike weapon.

Anonymous said...

Well said 8:18 Anonymous, well said!

Anonymous said...

Homemade facemarks are better than nothing, but offer as low as 3% protection from the flu virus. Single use surgeon masks are up to 3x as effective as a homemade mask.

War News Updates Editor said...

Anon 8:18
Thank you for your explanation.

Mike Feldhake said...

We spent the weekend at the Lake; had great fun and saw tons of people doing the same. Only a fraction of the people wore mask and no one was shy about interaction. This tells me that this story line is a hoax and people have forgotten about it and put it under the stupid category.

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