Sunday, July 12, 2020

Russia Foreign Minister Lavrov 'Not Optimistic' About New START Treaty Talks With U.S.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. © Valery Sharifulin/TASS

RFE: Lavrov 'Not Optimistic' About New START Treaty Talks With U.S.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says he is "not particularly optimistic" about a possible extension of the New START nuclear arms-control treaty with the United States.

Lavrov said in Moscow on July 10 that the insistence by the United States that China join the treaty, a move that was quickly rejected by Beijing, suggests Washington has already decided not to prolong the pact once it expires in February next year.

"It seems that the U.S. has already decided not to prolong this treaty. Their vigor in focusing on the lack of an alternative to trilateral talks shows that this has been decided,” Lavrov said, according to the Interfax news agency.

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WNU Editor: Nothing gets accomplish with the US when it comes to foreign relations during a US Presidential year. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov knows that.

More News On Russia Foreign Minister Lavrov Saying He Is 'Not Optimistic' About New START Treaty Talks With U.S.

Russia skeptical about nuclear pact extension prospects -- AP
Russian FM Lavrov Warns About Rising Risks of Nuclear Confrontation -- Sputnik
‘They want to win’: NUCLEAR confrontation becomes likelier as US races for global domination, Russian FM says -- RT
Russia calls US’s newest stance on nuclear arms agreement 'undiplomatic,' considers not extending -- FOX News


Anonymous said...

Why would Lavrov want to meet with any Americans much less negotiate with them, since so many wear NAZI paraphernalia?

Leading Democrats Including Hillary Clinton Caught Wearing ‘Nazi Pins’ on Their Jackets

Anonymous said...

Isn't Lavron scared that of he came to negotiate on the START Treaty that Biden, Hillary, Nancy Pelosi, or someone would throw him into a gas chamber and oven?

Anonymous said...

WASHINGTON — Facebook on Thursday removed advertisements posted on its platform by the Trump campaign that prominently featured a symbol used by Nazis to classify political prisoners during World War II, saying the imagery violated company policy.

The Trump campaign had used the ads, with a picture of a large red triangle, to inveigh against antifa, a loose collective of anti-fascist protesters that President Trump has blamed for violence and vandalism during the nationwide protests against racial injustice. There is scant evidence that antifa has been involved in any coordinated campaigns during the demonstrations.

Anonymous said...

And there goes Squirrel parroting the Party line like a good apparatchik. The USA Today started it, The Washington Post is continuing it and Squirrel is going to continue the lie like the sick that he is.

Never mind that the alternative media has documented that

1. Nancy Pelosi,
2. Madeleine Albright,
3. Hillary Clinton,
4. Donna Shalala and
5. An African American Representative, who I cant Identify.

So what happened?

a) The above poster is a dyed in the wool apparatchik and will scrupulously toe the p-arty line no matter what?
b) Someone is using a someone else's account for no good purpose?
c) Someone isn't toeing the line so much as fucking with people, when they complain about a blood libel?

B.Poster said...

Anon (4:53 & 4:57),

If I were a Russian or Russian official I would be wary with all of the hateful rhetoric and slander directed at me by American officials. Unless we as Americans are able to put a stop to this there's bound to be severe blowback against us.

Anonymous said...

Я надеюсь, у вас есть хорошее убежище от радиоактивных осадков в Москве. Если демократы победят, вам это понадобится.

YA nadeyus', u vas yest' khorosheye ubezhishche ot radioaktivnykh osadkov v Moskve. Yesli demokraty pobedyat, vam eto ponadobitsya.

Anonymous said...

Did President Trump know about U.S. intelligence community assessments that the Russians had offered bounties to the Taliban for attacks against U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan? He hasn’t so far offered a direct answer but instead shifting, manipulative responses.

That is itself troubling. It is also troubling that he has not condemned even the possibility of such Russian aggression.

But let’s step back and set aside the question of Russian bounties for a moment. For years, Russia has provided material and financial assistance to the Taliban, with what was surely the intent of supporting attacks against troops from the United States and coalition forces. Was the president aware of that?

I can answer that question: Yes, he was most certainly aware of Russian assistance to the Taliban. Despite that knowledge, he chose to do nothing.

From 2016 to 2018, I was the C.I.A.’s chief for counterterrorism in south and southwest Asia, overseeing operations and intelligence concerning Afghanistan, which included related activities of regional actors, like Russia.

“Bounty” is not a term intelligence professionals would likely use. Intelligence reporting requires precision in language to guard against the risk of misunderstanding or misinterpretation, and “bounty” lacks specificity in meaning, purpose and consequence. Intelligence professionals speak with dry, clinical facts and assessments that are not “confirmed” or “verified,” but rather corroborated to various degrees of confidence.

B.Poster said...

"From 2016 to 2018...." so you're behind this nonsense or you contributed to it. As they say, GIGO meaning garbage in, garbage out. Thank you for sharing!! Now, if you really are who you say you are, you and your ilk have caused us enough damage and grief. Kindly slink away never to be heard from again please.

Anonymous said...

"For years, Russia has provided material and financial assistance to the Taliban, with what was surely the intent of supporting attacks against troops from the United States and coalition forces. Was the president aware of that?"

For years like 2016 and before?

Was Obama even aware?

"He hasn’t so far offered a direct answer but instead shifting, manipulative responses."

Was Obama even asked? No, they didn't ask, so he was never put on the spot by design.

"Despite that knowledge, he chose to do nothing."

Russia is doing to the US, what the US did to the USSR in the 1980s in the same region. I believe what the US did was right. However, how do you make the distinction between what the US did 1980's and what Russian did in the last 4 or more years?

Could you sell the case to the UN? The Hague? 100% of the US electorate or just 30% to 70% of the electorate?

I find the arguments more partisan and self serving than consistent. The Chinese aided the muj in the 1980s along with the Iranians, the Pakistanis, the Gulf States, The Brits and of course the US Have the Chinese not aided the Taliban?

"Sep 12, 2007 - Despite allegations that Chinese-made weapons are falling into Taliban hands and endangering Canadian soldiers, Canada never addressed ..."

Sanction China For Its Support Of Taliban Terrorists - AnDeRs CoRr

China and Russia are definitely enemies. In terms of threat and activity 2/3 rds of our effort should be spent on Xhina and 1/3rd on Russia. It appears to be the opposite largely for political purposes.

Anonymous said...

Chinese weapons 'reaching the Taliban'

Anonymous said...

AUSTIN — Former Vice President Joe Biden has built a five-point lead over President Donald Trump in Texas as unease over Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic mounts, a new Dallas Morning News/University of Texas at Tyler poll has found.

Biden had 46% support to Trump’s 41%. If the general election were held today, the outcome could depend on the 14% of voters who were undecided or named someone else.

Biden’s lead, which comes after he and Trump were tied 43%-43% in The News and UT-Tyler’s April survey, is significant, if barely: The poll, conducted June 29 through July 7, has a margin of error of plus or minus 2.24 percentage points.

The story behind Biden’s slight bulge is the softening of the Republican incumbent’s support among independents and “weak partisans,” said Kenneth Bryant Jr., a UT-Tyler political scientist who helped design the poll.

“While President Trump has and still enjoys near universal approval from Republicans, and overwhelming disfavor from Democrats, he has lost considerable ground among the folks in the middle, who may ultimately decide who wins Texas in November,” Bryant said.

Up to now, though, the Biden campaign has done little to demonstrate that it will make a major effort before the Nov. 3 general election in Texas. The state hasn’t voted for a Democrat in a presidential election since Jimmy Carter carried the state in 1976.

Anonymous said...

Russkies involved in the Korean war. We did nothing overtly because we did not widen the war. Bounties to Taliban different. Trump will not even discuss this to dismiss it. Why?

Anonymous said...

Russkies involved in the Korean war. We did nothing overtly because we did not widen the war. Bounties to Taliban different. Trump will not even discuss this to dismiss it. Why?

Why should Trump discuss something that is 2 or 3 levels down in the bureaucracy that has not made it to his level? So that the Democrats can set the Agenda?

You can do better F.

Completed staff work

No completed staff work on this topic was sent to Trump. Some people, 1 or 2 levels below the Secretary of defense discussed it. Oh my! There are innumerable things that they discuss that never make it up to SecDef or POTUS. They made suuuuure to inform us that it was interagency. Wowsers!

Well, I hope it was interagency and not stove piped or they all should be fired. No one person is a SME on everything. I know that comes as a news flash to a the liberal snowflake that you are.


Or look at multi-disciplinary teams.

So it was interagency? Really? That is news? That is the way they should have been doing business ... since forever.

The term interagency was used to impress. To preclude debate, dissent, etc.

I know answering the phone or pointing a gun at someone is much more concrete and more fun that doing completed staff work, but you should read up on it and try it sometime. Make it a stretch goal for yourself.

Oh, and you keep resetting, when you lose an argument so we go over the same ground you fuck. The Russians and the Taliban going back to 2011 or before

So fuck you asshole.

Maybe you are a foreign troll. Maybe you should be investigated.

Anonymous said...

"Why Is Russia Helping Anti-U.S. Insurgents In Afghanistan?" - NPR

February 13, 2017

So this bubbled up in reports. This was known in 2016. they diod nto collect the bulk of this information form JAN 20, 2017 through FEB 13, 2017.

So WTF did asshole Obama know and when did he know it?\

"We did nothing overtly because we did not widen the war. "

We did nothing because people like you are puds to the max.

We did nothing when Pakistan stabbed us in the back fucked us in the butt and did not give us a reach around.

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