Thursday, July 23, 2020

Tweets For Today

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"As far as closing additional embassies, it's always possible," - Donald Trump

Imagine how Hillary, Biden, Jeb or Mittens would have said this?

It would have been said in such away to appear to be firm but limit the amount of face that the Chinese leadership loses. Well, maybe the Chinese leadership needs to lose face. Maybe they need a bloody nose. Maybe a soft, almost apologetic rebuke is not enough and is worse than saying nothing at all.

But hey we need our cheap stuff and we need our Uighur organs for transplant.

Anyone know ,if Uighurs are typically blood type O? There has to be some typical voter in California or New York, who wants to know.

The news mentioned that a person parted out is worth $500,000 or 1/2 million.

So 1 million Uighurs in concentration camps is worth 500 billion.

China is sitting on a gold mine!

China: Minority Region Collects DNA from Millions

Comparative investigation of the Rh blood type distribution between the Uygur and Han nationalities in the Khotan area of Xinjiang Autonomous Region

What disease is the Communist party hoping to eradicate?