Saturday, July 25, 2020

Tweets For Today


RussInSoCal said...

Re: the Three Gorges Dam. That sucker is going to blow.

Anonymous said...

Seattle Police Chief Warns City that Cops Are Unable to Protect Property From Antifa and BLM Riots Thanks to City Council Barring Crowd Control Tools

This is what you get when you elect shitty liberals.

Sorry, that was redundant. Shitty and liberals are synonymous.

Anonymous said...


1.) Be born intio a middle class family anywhere in the world.

2.) Get degree

3.) Got to school in the U.S> & get H1-B Visa

4.) Get Green card.

5.) Divorce POC husband and marry million whitey

6.) Complain about the system, run and a socialist, and complain about how hard it is.

"Sawant moved to Seattle in 2006 and became a US citizen in 2010. Sawant and her husband Vivek are now separated."

Anonymous said...

low iq comment above

Anonymous said...

Anti-Politician Kshama Sawant's Use of Her 'Solidarity Fund' Looks Like the Work of a Self-interested Career Politician

Sawant, who’s always claimed she lives on a “worker’s salary" and contributes the rest to a "solidarity fund," is actually donating that money to her own political groups, making her much like any other politician.

Anonymous said...

Squirrel lays down with socialists and wakes up with fleas.

Rinses and repeats ad infinitum and wonders why he has bit marks.

Sawant hates Israel. Still squirrel will support his socialist brethren no matter of they stab him in the back.

Anonymous said...

"One has to wonder what City Council Member Kshama Sawant hopes to gain by asking her City Council colleagues to sign a letter addressed to President Obama and Congress, condemning Israel’s actions in Gaza and calling for an “immediate end to all U.S. government military aid for Israel.”"

Squirrelly things.

"I support Israel."

"My son is an Israeli soldier."

"I met Simon Wiesenthal."

Then Squirrel lays down with socialists, who hate Israel.


A) Does squirrel have cognitive dissonance?

B) Is squirrel crazy?

C) Does someone other than squirrel have access to his accounts?

Anonymous said...


Assuming that the dam does not blow. What can we learn?

Did it sustain damage? Will the CPC lower the dam level on a permanent basis?

The dam moved. Will it move back? Metal, wood, rubber and other things can. This is a composite structure of concrete and metal rebar. Is the rebar enough? IDK.

The whole built to withstand a 1,000 year flood thing is getting old. that is a model based on statistics. Did it work? Makes you wonder about other models. The AGW people do not rralize they have a dog (Paychecks and careers on the line) too.

Wish we had a civil/construction engineer on the line. Instead we got an under powered parrot.

Anonymous said...

stalker stalks via his/her low selfesteem, shabby life, low iq
momma needs to spank

Anonymous said...

Dam analysis

Anonymous said...

"I support Israel."

"My son is an Israeli soldier."

"I met Simon Wiesenthal."

The above are all from you statements here at this website. Some of us like this website and thus visit this website daily. We also have memories.

You have also effusively defended socialism.

So, it begs the question.

Anonymous said...

There are also google searches of the WNU website to prove that you made those statements on the website.

Plus you never know what the Wayback Machine might hold.

Anonymous said...

What, mew worry?
phuck thee

Anonymous said...

You are too stupid to worry. You will step right into it, if you get your way.

A world full of goose stepping SS Muslims preceded by this:

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

System overload, parroting stopped. Parrot resorting to spew.

You know that liberals want to go down that road. You know once liberals get rid of police, liberals will institute an American Schutzstaffel.

Muslims Form Community Patrol. Some Neighbors Say No ... - NYT

There was literally a Muslim SS Division in WW2.

There will be one again, because liberals will resurrect them.

Amp1776 said...

What do I think they're discussing?

Comet Neowise of course...

Anonymous said...

Igor Danchenko met Rod Rosentstein in 2013
Igor Danchenko worked for Christopher Steele
Igor Danchenko was mentored by Shiff witness Fiona Hill


Mike Feldhake said...

I’m not a civil engineer, my Dad in law was but I am an engineers. Dam will not fix itself, some of the concrete was laid upon the foundation rock and they have changed it to a 100 year dam but I think it’s worse than that. Their stats did not anticipate the worst of the flooding as they are seeing this year. Global Warming!? This flooding is normal there, but not at this level.

For perspective, the Hoover dam was built because the rains would wash out the farm land in CA. It’s a great dam and was properly built.

logveee said...

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