Thursday, July 23, 2020

UK And US Accuse Russia Of Testing A Satellite Weapon In Space

U.S. Space Command claims that Russia tested an anti-satellite weapon July 15, the latest in a number of Russian on orbit actions U.S. officials have deemed aggressive. (U.S. Air Force) Russia has tested an anti-satellite weapon in space, US Space Command says

The Space Force described the activity as "hypocritical and concerning."

The U.S. Space Command announced Thursday (July 23) that it has evidence that Russia has tested a space-based anti-satellite weapon.

On July 15, Russia "injected a new object into orbit" orbit from the Cosmos 2543 satellite and "conducted a non-destructive test of a space-based anti-satellite weapon," the U.S. Space Command (USSC) said an emailed statement. The object is listed under the Satellite Catalog Number 45915 on, it added.

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More News On Russia Being Accused Of Testing A Satellite Weapon In Space

UK and US say Russia fired a satellite weapon in space -- BBC
US military accuses Russia of testing space-based anti-satellite weapon -- The Hill
US and UK accuse Russia of launching new space weapon -- CNN
Russia accused of firing ‘weapon’ from satellite that could ‘threaten the peace of space’ -- The Independent
Russia conducted anti-satellite test in space, says US Space Command -- C4ISRNet
A Russian satellite caught shadowing a US spy satellite earlier this year launched a mysterious space weapon, US Space Command says -- Business Insider
Russian satellite test had 'characteristics of a weapon', says UK -- SKY News


Anonymous said...

Why should Russia be concerned with what the USA thinks?

Seriously, why should they care?

If they are burning federal courthouses in major cities, will such a country be around for long?

Okay, so you smartly reply that a court house has not been torched. It has not been for lack of trying.

So Democrat mayors, DA's governors, senators and representatives are perfectly fine with federal building being torched. Again it has not happened because Trump is upholding the rule of (good) law. Law can be bad. Think about the Nuremberg decrees.

So the federal courthouses are yet unburnt to the ground. Instead we have this.

Three Federal Agents May Have Been Blinded Permanently by Antifa-BLM Lasers in Portland

How many lives is that court house worth?

Suppose the courthouse is abandoned; Trump retreats. The court house gets burnt. You say but is was only 4 out of 100 rooms ,w e can refurbish it and it will be up and running in a few months just in time for a Biden presidency.

You sure all the paperwork and servers will be there? Will case have to be thrown out because documents are gone. The murder rate is already going up. Torch the courthouse and watch it go up even higher.

The term hybrid warfare has been kicked around for a decade maybe two. Seeing so many courthouse burned, would the Russians really want to negotiate anything with Trump or Biden

Keep it up Liberals/Democrats!

Keep it up, you MOTHER FUCKERS!

B.Poster said...

Anon, (2:35)

Good post!! There's really not much to add. I'd think not only would countries like Russia or China have disincentive yo negotiate with us I'd also tend to think any defense agreements with us wouldn't be worth much as well. Also, liberals/democrats gavecus the twin myths of Russian collusion and interference in our elections, bold faced lies. It's hard to imagine foreign leaders trusting such people.

Anonymous said...

There is always an incentive to avoid mutual destruction. With respect to satellites, US, China and Russia could agree not to develop space weapons with erratic collateral damage. That is, you do not create debris that harms you as much as your adversary. Space weapons that create fields of debris could and should be outlawed. It will allow everyone to focus their weapons development in more useful and less self destructive directions. Same for defense.