Wednesday, July 22, 2020

US Orders China To Close Its Consulate In Houston. China Vows Retailiation

Daily Mail: Chinese diplomats start burning documents after State Department orders immediate closure of Beijing's consulate in Houston 'to protect American intellectual property'

* The U.S. ordered Wednesday China's consulate in Houston to immediately close
* Those at the consulate were informed of the decision Tuesday night, and soon after diplomats began burning documents in the property's courtyard
* Firefighters responded to the scene of the fire, but were not permitted entry
* The State Department claims it is closing this particular consulate in order to 'protect American intellectual property'
* Acting Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee Marco Rubio claimed, 'China's Houston consulate is a massive spy center.'
* He added that 'forcing it to close is long overdue'
* The move comes amid rising escalations between Beijing and Washington, and China warned the U.S. of 'firm countermeasures'

The U.S. abruptly ordered the closure of China's consulate in Houston, Texas on Tuesday night – leading to Chinese diplomats burning documents and papers in trash cans in the courtyard of the building.

The State Department claims the immediate action is needed to 'protect American intellectual property' and other private information of American citizens.

Republican Senator Marco Rubio, the acting chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, claimed in a tweet Wednesday morning that 'China's Houston consulate is a massive spy center.'

'Forcing it to close is long overdue,' he added.

China strongly condemned the move as the consulate was informed of the decision Tuesday amid a series of recent escalation in tensions between Beijing and Washington.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: China is vowing retaliation .... China vows retaliation after U.S. ordered its Houston consulate closed within 72 hours (USA Today).

Update: The damage was done long ago, even before Trump .... US-China relations: forced closure of Houston consulate could cause lasting damage, observers say (SCMP).

More News On The US Ordering China To Close Its Consulate In Houston

US orders China to close its consulate in Houston -- AP
U.S. orders China to shut Houston consulate in move China calls 'unprecedented escalation' -- Reuters
US orders China to close consulate in Houston, Beijing vows retaliation -- France 24
U.S. Orders China to Close Houston Consulate Over Espionage and Theft -- NYTimes
China vows to retaliate after U.S. orders closure of its consulate in Houston -- Washington Post
Documents burned on the grounds of the Chinese Consulate in Houston -- ABC 13
US orders China to shut consulate in Houston, Texas -- DW
Chinese consulate in Houston ordered to close by US -- BBC
US orders closure of Chinese consulate in Houston -- CNN
US orders China to shut Houston consulate in move Beijing calls 'unprecedented escalation' -- ABC News Online
US abruptly informs Beijing to CLOSE consulate in Houston – Chinese Foreign Ministry -- RT
China threatens retaliation after US orders closure of Houston consulate -- FOX News


Anonymous said...

Good move. But why Houston? Is this akin to taking a lesser piece in chess?

Anonymous said...

How many other facilities in the U.S. are being used for Chinese spying?

Anonymous said...

It's not just the obvious consulates

The biggest theft happens through silicon valley. Many Chinese nationals working there. Coming through the corrupt visa system. I would consider all of them potential spies. I'm sorry but from all we have seen over the last years, the theft in trillions, the Chinese virus which may be a first strike weapon and in itself has wiped out trillions and will likely have killed millions before it's over.. China needs to pay.

It's not right that they steal trillions over decades, use our money to build up their country and fund many spy and subversion programs, then kill us on top, try to make money off their virus, selling us faulty equipment on top, insulting us if we complain...

It'll not end well.

My advice:

If you are in China, leave NOW

If you still have assets over there, pull them before it's too late, the CCP will just nationalise your assets and no international law applies to China as we've all witnessed over decades now. No morale seems to apply either. Try negotiating in good faith. No chance. It's not about mutually beneficial coexistence for the CCP. They see you as a bug that will be squashed if you even dare to speak out.

Do not travel to China or Hong Kong, even if on business. Hong Kong is now completely under the control of the CCP and many many people have already disappeared. Even years ago this started. Imagine what happens now. Your passport will not protect you.

Anonymous said...

Republican Senator Lee of UTAH is all in for that corrupt visa system.

He has been paid.

If Trump is against the current visa system, you can bet your bottom dollar that Mitt "Candy beat my Ass" Romney is for it.

So group Mittens with RINO Lee.

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