Thursday, July 23, 2020

U.S. Senate Passes $740 Billion Defense Bill

Reuters: U.S. Senate passes $740 billion defense bill, bucking Trump on Confederate names

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Thursday passed its version of the National Defense Authorization Act, a $740 billion bill setting policy for the Pentagon that President Donald Trump has threatened to veto over a provision removing Confederate names from military bases.

The vote was 86-14, one of the few times the Republican-led Senate has broken from the president, and could pave the way for a fight later this year with the White House.

The Senate and Democratic-led House of Representatives each passed versions of the bill, known as the NDAA, with far more than the two-thirds majorities needed to override a veto.

The House bill also voted to include a provision to change the names of military facilities named after generals who fought on the pro-slavery side during the Civil War 155 years ago.

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WNU Editor: The vote was 86-14 in the Republican-led chamber. That is more than enough votes to over-ride a Presidential veto.

More News On The U.S. Senate Passing The Defense Bill

Senate passes bill with plan to change Confederate-named bases over Trump veto threat -- The Hill
Senate defies Trump by overwhelmingly backing removal of Confederate names from military bases -- USA Today
Senate clears bill removing Confederate names from military bases, setting up clash with Trump -- Forbes
Republican-Controlled Senate Defies Trump, Passes Defense Spending Bill Removing Confederate Names From Military Bases -- Forbes
Senate approves defense bill with provision to change names of Confederate bases -- FOX News


Anonymous said...

President Trump should save his energy for fights that matter. Legislation removing the name of US traitors who tried to defeat the US military with bloodshed from a US military base is not the same as allowing anarchists to topple statues. Move along, Mr. President.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:39

I think it's pretty obvious that the left won't stop at bases named after Conferate generals. Trump should veto this and make all the squishy Republicans defend their votes.

Anonymous said...

Union soldiers marched with Confederate soldiers after the Civil War. So the they were traitors arguments does not go far.

You can blame the Civil War on journalists. Black racists will admit that your average southerner was not perhaps racist, when you point out that Georgians for example voted against slavery. But rich Democrats fired up the presses and started a campaign until they got the right answer on the slavery vote.

A lot people went to war because their neighbors did and they did not want thought a coward. Alabama voted 3 times until they got the right vote on secession.

See the power of the press. Do you really think that Virginia and the Carolinas would secede and then seriously fight it out without Georgia and Alabama?

Might as well rename bases. We have navy ships named after pedophiles of the Democrat persuasion.

Anonymous said...

Greenland Statue Referendum: Given Direct Say, People Vote AGAINST Removal

We could put it up to a vote.

Our representatives do not represent us much anymore.

So maybe direct Democracy on so maybe of these things would be good.