Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Vice Chairman Of The US Joint Chiefs Called Donald Trump 'An Idiot'. Said Melania Is 'Smarter'

U.S. Air Force Gen. John E. Hyten, commander of U.S. Strategic Command, testifies during a House Armed Services Committee hearing on Capitol Hill, March 7, 2017. (DoD Photo by U.S. Army Sgt. James K. McCann, CCby/2.0/)

Daily Mail: Revealed: Vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs called Donald Trump 'an idiot' and said Melania is 'smarter' after she asked about the 'locations of all our intercontinental ballistic missile fields' at private dinner

* The Pentagon's No. 2 John Hyten called President Trump 'an idiot' and Melania Trump 'smarter than the president,' claims a sexual assault accuser
* The Washington Post published notes given to them by Retired Col. Kathy Spletstoser who accused Hyten of assault
* Spletstoser also says that the military won't release documents related to her case because she believes they could be embarrassing to Hyten
* In turn, she gave her notes to The Post detailing a conversation Hyten had with Spletstoser and colleagues after dining with the Trumps in October 2017
* 'The president is an idiot. He is just a businessman without the basic understanding of national security,' Hyten said, according to Spletstoser
* Spletstoser also said Hyten believed Melania Trump was 'smarter' because she asked about the 'locations of all our intercontinental ballistic missile fields'
* Hyten declined to comment to The Post, while a White House official said, 'Discussions like this would not be had casually around a dinner table'

The Pentagon's No. 2 John Hyten called President Donald Trump 'an idiot' and Melania Trump 'smarter than the president,' according to testimony that was part of a sexual assault case involving the military leader.

The Washington Post published a profile Wednesday of Retired Col. Kathy Spletstoser, who's accused Hyten of assault and claims the military is trying to hide records because the testimony could be damaging to the Joint Chiefs vice chairman's career.

She revealed part of her testimony to The Post that included Hyten's take on the president and first lady after dining with them in October 2017, nine months after Trump took office.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Wow! A lot of dirt is coming out of this sexual assault case.


Anonymous said...


"Just a businessman without understanding of national security"

So who called China the biggest threat to the west already back in the late 90s? Surely the guy who made these bold claims and who works directly in national security.

Oops. No. It was Trump. On video. For everyone to view on YouTube. Almost 20 years ahead.

Ok ok. Maybe just a lucky guess.

Surely they, the smart guys at the Pentagon, saw the pandemic coming by monitoring the conversations on Chinese Twitter, just like Taiwan did.

Wooopsy. Again they were asleep.

These guys.

I don't know who takes them seriously anymore. I don't know of any political and professional class that has fucked up America's interests and the safety of the world more than them.

But if a propaganda news outlet of the left says so, during an election year, I'm sure some people (Fred) will be dumb enough to lap it up.

Go Lapides, lap it up. Lap lap, Lapides. Do your parroty thingy. It never grows old. Can't wait for those "trustworthy" witness statements you'll copy and paste to get your daily dose of feel good virtue signaling. Come on, you can do it. Freedom depends on you!!!!


Anonymous said...

And Obama with his red line debacle, failed pivot to Asia, defunding and demoralising the US army was a defence genius. Haha you cannot make it up it's so bad

Anonymous said...

The media has certainly changed in a relatively short time and they are a large influence.

Anonymous said...

I have not posted any comments herer for a number of days. But my lady/boy (?) stalker mentions my name. Go fuck yourself and your family too, if you have one. You are a piece of shit and get your kicks like pissing your hate, odd nature, need to spit venom
I spit on you and your kin

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