Saturday, July 11, 2020

Watch US Armored Convoy Retreat As Syrian Army Threatens Fire In Tense Standoff

Zero Hedge: Watch US Armored Convoy Retreat As Syrian Army Threatens Fire In Tense Standoff

Though long off the media's radar, it remains that a thousand or more US troops are still occupying northeast Syria's oil rich region, provoking multiple recent dangerous "close call" near-clashes with Syrian and Russian troops who are also patrolling a region considered sovereign Syrian soil.

The latest tense encounter this week as a US military convoy came upon a check point manned by Syrian Army soldiers and pro-Assad militia almost resulted in a direct clash.

Video shows Syrian soldiers halting the US-flagged patrol unit, consisting of three armored vehicles, demanding that they turn back. At one point a Syrian soldier even approaches the doors of the lead American vehicle and is seen waiving his Kalashnikov point-blank at the driver side windows (at 3:40 mark below).

Read more ....

Update: Syrian Army intercepts another US military convoy in northeast Syria (AMN)

WNU Editor: US involvement in Syria continues .... Intel: US CENTCOM commander meets with head of Syria’s Kurdish forces (AL-Monitor). In the meantime the misery continues .... UN Official: 700 People Died in Syrian Camps for IS Families (US News and World Report/AP). More here .... Syria faces severe bread shortages as US sanctions worsen economy (Al JAzeera


Anonymous said...

US wouldn't be there except for Deep State, MSM fuckers, Minnie Milley and political generals telling him he cannot pull out. But you know orange man bad, so we are still in Syria.

IMO we should be in Syria to protect the Kurds whether they are communist or not. The Kurds are split on that subject. I think a Kurdish state in in the best interests of the US, the Kurds, The Middle East, the UN, and the world.

The best part of Woodrow Wilson (not his evil Democrat side), his 14 points, either means something or they don't. A Kurdish state made up of the Kurdish parts of Turkey , Syria, Iraq and Iran would be good IMO. If the Iranian Leadership was at least as good as Erdogan, they would make out on the deal.

Maybe it doesn't matter. Maybe by century's end Turkey will be a de facto Kurdish state anyway.

Anonymous said...

"Mr. Zarif, how is it that when you negotiate with 5+1 you have a smile on your face, but when you come to the Parliament you offend and attack? .... You said we negotiated to ease the pressure on people’s livelihood; don’t you know that a dollar is 22,000 Tomans now? Don’t you know the cost of housing? Last week, the president said that if the US acts in the political arena, then you will answer with a special act in response. You said that you deceived the US and Obama. If so, why is it that when the US left the JCPOA, you did not dare to complain; you were afraid that they would use the ‘trigger mechanism’. Wasn’t it our negotiation team that was deceived?”

Alireza Salimi

Stephen Davenport said...

Notice the deceptive way they titled the piece, making it more than it was.

Anonymous said...

"Though long off the media's radar, it remains that a thousand or more US troops are still occupying northeast Syria's oil rich region, provoking multiple recent dangerous "close call" near-clashes with Syrian and Russian troops who are also patrolling a region considered sovereign Syrian soil."

a region considered sovereign Syrian soil

About that.

How many times have we heard that the French and the British drew the lines in the Middle East and that they are poorly drawn.

So why are the Russia and and Prince "My daddy was a coup plotter and became King." Assad basing their claims on poorly drawn, illegitimate line?

Why not hold a plebiscite and create a Kurdish state, an Alawite state and a Sunni state?

Anonymous said...

Paul Mason on Sykes-Picot: how an arbitrary set of borders created the modern Middle East

- New Statesman

"100 years ago today, Britain and France carved up what would become Syria, Iraq and Israel. Their imperial mindset still scars the region."

The Middle East That France and Britain Drew Is Finally Unravelling

- The New Republic

"And there's very little the U.S. can do to stop it"

Anonymous said...

Assad worked in Britain. Has a British "green card" ?

Must have more than a few violated British law by going to Syria and becoming a dictatorial asshole.

Prosecute the perfumed prince.

Layguy said...

Let's also give idk, Texas to the Mexicans.

Anonymous said...

seen waiving his Kalashnikov point-blank at the driver side windows (at 3:40 mark below).

The vehicle is armored including the windows. So the antsy AK waver made know his intent, but was not a threat.

The original Humvees were meant for the Northern European plain, which were not expected to last long. So there was no need to make them expensive, overtaxing the chassis and increasing maintenance cost, when soviet tanks artillery or air power would justify shred them anyway.

Humvees were made with the quality needed for a extremely non-permissive environment expected in an all out slug fest with the Axis of Evil on the plains of Germany.

After 2003 Humvee (& later MRPAS) requirements changed after the guerrilla warfare in Iraq. Everything was up armored. Everyone in the choir knows this.

The antsy AK waver maybe knows this. He also knows that he can prance and Kaeper and no one will do anything about it. So he does.

Anonymous said...

Let's also give idk, Texas to the Mexicans.

Have you notice in news casts and news reports how many Anglo Americans are married to Mexican Americans.

It is a moot point with all the intermarriage. Also the Mexican government had several secession movements at one time and they lost against one, Texas.

The had these secession movements because government there was worse than normal. No one wants to be part of Mexico when they can be part of something better except a preening, virtue-signaling libtard.

Anonymous said...

"There's clearly still the potential for major war to erupt once again given the significant presence of US forces in Syria's most oil-rich area."

Good! Nuking Russia is still in the cards.

Anonymous said...

What a poorly done video.