Wednesday, July 22, 2020

With Covid-19 Cases Surging Throughout The World, Countries Look To Imposing Lockdowns Again

ABC News Online: Countries look to lockdown again after easing of restrictions sees coronavirus cases soar

The coronavirus pandemic has surged again in some parts of the world, with many countries that seemed to have their outbreaks under control struggling to contain a rise in new infections.

Worldwide confirmed deaths have now passed 600,000 and the World Health Organization said that 259,848 new infections were reported on Saturday, the highest one-day tally yet.

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WNU Editor:
I would not be surprised if most countries impose some forms of lockdowns this winter. As for the disease itself, it shows no signs of slowing down .... Global number of coronavirus cases tops 15 million as the pandemic continues to gather pace (Daily Mail).


Anonymous said...

If the idiots impose a general lockdown, they will have a general world wide war.

But go ahead, I can't stop you.

kidd said...

ur days r # 101