Monday, July 20, 2020

World Health Organization Warns Of 'Acceleration Of Covid-19' In Africa

The number of coronavirus cases in Africa has surged since the start of June and World Health Organization chiefs are now worried about an 'acceleration of disease' on the continent

Daily Mail: World Health Organization warns of 'acceleration of disease' in Africa as coronavirus cases on the continent surge by 200,000 in a fortnight

* Cases have risen from 356,666 on July 5 to 579,091 on July 19 (WHO data)
* Dr Michael Ryan warned South African epidemic could be a sign of danger
* Many African countries have poor quality healthcare compared to Europe

The World Health Organization is 'very concerned' about the coronavirus situation in Africa and said an outbreak in South Africa could spell disaster for the continent.

Dr Michael Ryan, the emergencies chief at the WHO, said South Africa was in the midst of a 'very severe event' and that it could lead to other countries suffering.

Africa was not badly affected in the early stages of the pandemic but cases have begun to spike there and have now exceeded 579,000. Two weeks ago there had been 356,666 (July 5), a spike of around two thirds in a fortnight

Read more ....

Update #1: WHO sounds alarm at spread of coronavirus in Africa (Al Jazeera)
Update #2: Tracking Africa's coronavirus cases (Al Jazeera)

WNU Editor: In the West we are concerned about wearing face-masks and sanitizing our hands to minimize the possibility of contracting Covid-19. In most places in Africa, their concern is having running clean water. The pandemic is going to ravage Africa. The only question is when. If the above graph and its logarithmic growth is any indication. I give Africa 2 - 3 months before it becomes a disaster.


Anonymous said...

Panic Porn.

Apparently, someone has not paid attention to death rate by age group.

Anonymous said...

Or in the NY Times: whistle blower bravely acknowledges that Trump made the virus in his home lab and then had the audacity to call it Wuhan virus while black people die celebrating the beauty of Chinese innovation