Tuesday, August 25, 2020

6 American B-52 Stratofortress Bombers Trained Together With Norwegian Fighters (Video)

Warzone/The Drive: Six B-52 Strategic Bombers Fly Alongside Norwegian Fighters In A Clear Signal To Russia

The latest deployment of the nuclear-capable bombers to Europe comes amid ongoing nuclear arms control negotiations with Moscow.

While increased U.S. Air Force heavy bomber operations in the Pacific region have drawn significant attention in recent months, the service has also been stepping up similar activities in Europe. An impressive group of six B-52H Stratofortress bombers, which are now on a short-term deployment in the United Kingdom, recently flew together with Norwegian F-35A Joint Strike Fighters and F-16AM Viper fighter jets. The arrival of the bombers, all of which appear to be nuclear-capable, looks to have been meant, at least in part, to be a signal aimed at Russia.

The Royal Norwegian Air Force, or Luftforsvaret, released pictures and video of the armada of aircraft in flight on Aug. 24, 2020, but did not say when or where the event had actually taken place. None of the imagery showed the F-35s that reportedly took part in the training missions, either. A similarly large exercise involving five B-52Hs and Norwegian F-16AMs last year took place over the Norwegian Sea.

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WNU Editor: It has been a long time since I last saw 6 B-52s flying together.


Anonymous said...

Two arc light boxes.

Anonymous said...

Years ago I watched a single B-52 fly shockingly low over a minor range of mountains at the Marine base out here. It suddenly rose into view, skimmed over the mountain range, and dipped back down.
It dawned on me they were training for low level penetration of Russia.

What an experience!