Saturday, August 22, 2020

AI System Beats US Military Pilot In Simulated F-16 Dogfight

An AI pilot has beaten a US Air Force F16 Top Gun in the first ever simulator dogfight competition run by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to determine if man can beat machine in the sky. Pictured the simulation Thursday

Daily Mail: AI pilot shoots down F16 Top Gun to win first ever USAF dogfight simulator competition as human pilot says he can't cope with the robot's aggressive tactics and warns 'the things we do as fighter pilots aren't working'

* The finale of the AlphaDogfight trials took place Thursday at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland
* The bot was made by small Maryland company Heron Systems
* Human was a Weapons School instructor pilot known by his call-sign 'Banger'
* AI pilot virtually shot down the human pilot in five rounds of mock air combat
* The victory of machine over man raises questions about the future of air-to-air combat as the USAF hopes AI can help the military react faster to enemies

An AI pilot has beaten a US Air Force F16 Top Gun in the first ever simulator dogfight competition run by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to determine if man can beat machine in the sky.

The human pilot, a Weapons School instructor pilot known only by his call-sign 'Banger', was annihilated by his artificial intelligent opponent in the showdown at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland, Thursday.

The AI pilot in a simulation Viper fighter jet virtually shot down the human pilot in five rounds of mock air combat, showing the human brain is no match for the technology's aggressive tactics.

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WNU Editor: Skynet is smiling.

More News On An AI System Beating A US Military Pilot In A Simulated F-16 Dogfight

AI Slays Top F-16 Pilot In DARPA Dogfight Simulation -- Breaking Defense
An AI Just Beat a Human F-16 Pilot In a Dogfight — Again -- Defense One
AI Claims "Flawless Victory" Going Undefeated In Digital Dogfight With Human Fighter Pilot -- Warzone/The Drive
Artificial intelligence wins over man in simulated aerial dogfight -- UPI
AI Just Won A Series Of Simulated Dogfights Against A Human F-16 Pilot, 5-0. What Does That Mean? -- Forbes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While your comment is humorous, I'd suggest looking into this more if you were truly interested in this.

The AI system was truly stacked against the pilots; Dailymail will of course make a big story out of this, but reality is that the AI had a solid state of information against its opponents which in laymans terms, there was no fog of war for the AI.

The pilots used virtual reality headsets and were not in an environment that suited their talents and skill; in addition to this, the pilots were not afforded the state of information the AI had; they had to contend with fog of war.

It becomes less impressive when you realize that the AI had been following a specific set of parameters to operate within, which would not be afforded to it in a real exercise. This test was to highlight DARPA's tech and to afford it attention that it seemingly was lacking.