Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Countries That Were Once Praised For their Handling Of The Covid-19 Pandemic Are Now Struggling To Contain It

CNN: Countries once praised for their handling of coronavirus are struggling to deal with new outbreaks

London (CNN)They were looked upon as examples of how to deal with the coronavirus, hailed for their no-nonsense approach, their clear messaging, their slick test-and-trace regimes, and the resulting low infection and death rates.

But now even countries celebrated for their handling of the pandemic are seeing a resurgence in Covid-19 cases. Take Australia: Five million people in its second-largest city, Melbourne, are contending with some of the harshest restrictions ever imposed there after authorities declared a "state of disaster" on Sunday.

The renewed outbreaks serve as a stark warning to global leaders of how quickly an apparent success story can unravel.

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WNU Editor: This coronavirus is now everywhere. WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus is right when he said a few days ago that we must now learn to live with the virus (see video below):


Anonymous said...

So will the media who lambasted red states for their response to the virus situation acknowledge they were incorrect to do so?

Famous question about pigs' ability to fly springs to mind as an answer to the above question.

Amp1776 said...

even a broken watch is right twice a day...