Monday, August 24, 2020

Covid-19 Deaths And New Cases Conitnue To Decline In The U.S.

The number of infections across the US have continued on a downward trajectory for more than a month after spiking in the Sunbelt states in June and July. The average number of cases per day was at 42,600 on Sunday

The average number of Americans dying from COVID-19 was at 981 on Sunday. It marks the first time the death toll, based on a seven day average, has dropped below 1,000 after plateauing for the past three weeks

Daily Mail: Coronavirus deaths average less than 1,000 over 7 days in the US for the first time in almost a month as infections continue to decline across the country

* The average number of Americans dying from COVID-19 over seven days was at 981 on Sunday
* It marks the first time the death toll, based on a seven day average, has dropped below 1,000 after plateauing for the past three weeks
* Deaths are a lagging indicator and can potentially rise several weeks after new cases start to decline
* The number of infections, which are now at an average of 42,600 per day, have continued on a downward trajectory for more than a month after spiking in the Sunbelt states in June and July
* Cases are still rising in a handful of states including South Dakota, North Dakota, Iowa, Illinois, Hawaii, Wyoming and Maine
* CDC director Robert Redfield had predicted just days ago that deaths would start to decline this week, saying it was a direct result of mitigation measures like mask wearing and the closure of bars in hotspot states
* Other health experts also say the drop off in hotspot states coincides with mask mandates and business closures in Sunbelt states including Florida, Arizona, Louisiana and South Carolina

Coronavirus deaths in the United States have dropped below an average of 1,000 per day for the first time in almost a month as the number of daily infections continues to decline across the country.

The number of Americans dying from COVID-19, based on a seven day average, was at 981 on Sunday.

It marks the first time the death toll has dropped below 1,000 after plateauing for the past three weeks.

Deaths are a lagging indicator and can potentially rise several weeks after new cases start to decline.

While still high, the current daily death rate in the US remains below levels seen in April when an average of 2,000 people were dying per day from COVID-19.

Meanwhile, the number of infections across the US have continued on a downward trajectory for more than a month after spiking in the Sunbelt states in June and July.

The average number of cases per day was at 42,600 on Sunday.

Read more ....

Update #1: Covid-19 deaths have dropped below 1,000 a day as summer surge tails off (CNN)
Update #2: New U.S. COVID-19 Cases Drop for Fifth Week in a Row, Deaths Decline (US News and World Report)

WNU Editor: Fall and winter is fast approaching. There is a very good chance that these numbers may start to spike upwards starting in October.


Layguy said...

Isolate the sick and at risk.the rest of us should crack on, like we have for human history.

Anonymous said...

Noted Yale Epidemiologist: Dr. Fauci and FDA Have Caused the ‘Deaths of Hundreds of Thousands of Americans’ that Could Have been Saved by HCQ

COVID treatment is like searching fora lost item in a house. If you search the place where the item was last placed, but pass over it without noticing it, you can search the while rest of the house for hours, weeks, or years without finding it.

If you get rid of effective treatments for COVID like HCQ, what do you expect except an unnecessary increased number of deaths?

Letting this mundane event wreck the US economy will one day soon not only engulf the US in great violence, but it will spill over into Canada. Blac Block has always sloshed around between Europe and North America for the last 3 decades.

Speaker Pelosi Labels President Trump and Republicans “Domestic Enemies….Enemies of the State”

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I think there will be a physical more violent civil wear. There is already a low level insurgency encouraged by by the Democrat Party. Look at the crap the Left is pulling.

This is Russia's big chance. They could launch a 1st and 2nd strike while President Biden;s handlers go back and forth as to how to respond and fight among each other. We all know Mr. Alzheimers is not going to call any shots.

5:!6 Love you, too. Hope to hear from you soon.

Anonymous said...

If Covid is supposed to rise in the fall/winter due to seasonality, then it would reasons that the warm weather of the summer would cause a lull, not a spike in cases.

Anonymous said...

Come on Mouth you can do better than that, I'm counting on you.