Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Former Republican Lawmakers Endorse Democrat Candidate Joe Biden For President

Daily Mail: Former Arizona senator Jeff Flake leads dozens of 'Republicans against Trump' ex-lawmakers in public declaration of backing for Joe Biden at start of party convention

* Flake and two dozen former lawmakers are supporting 'Republicans for Biden'
* Effort by the Biden campaign to undermine conservative support for Trump
* Comes on first day of the Republican National Convention in Charlotte, NC
* Biden campaign deployed renegade Republicans at the DNC last week

Former Arizona senator Jeff Flake is leading dozens of 'Republicans against Trump' on the first day of the National Convention in Charlotte.

Flake is among a number of well-known conservative Trump critics to throw their support behind Joe Biden, including Sens. Gordon Humphrey of New Hampshire (now an independent) and John Warner of Virginia.

Last year, Flake wrote a withering indictment of the president in an op-ed which urged fellow Republicans to 'save their souls' and vote for impeachment.

Read more ....

Update #1: Jeff Flake, dozens of former GOP congressmen joining 'Republicans for Biden' (The Hill)
Update #2: Jeff Flake, other former GOP Congress members endorse Biden ahead of RNC (NBC)
Update #3: Jeff Flake: Conservatives better off with Biden than Trump (Roll Call)

WNU Editor: Former Senator Jeff Flake's vocal opposition to President Trump has been an ongoing affair for years. His support for the former vice-President Biden is not a surprise. The others who have joined him are also well known anti-Trumpers.


Dave Goldstein said...

Flake, well named

Anonymous said...

I looked at Flak's voting score.

I think that Flake flaked out. He was scared.

Trump has been criticized for lack of civility or whatever. He said Senator Rubio had small hands. It is not much in the way of name calling, but if Rubio cannot handle it, then maybe he should not ever be president.

Democrats across the board have called Republicans worse and for decades. Too many 'cultured' Republicans took it. The Bushes come to mind. I feel like Trump like Lincoln did with Grant. "He Fights!"

Democrats fight too. They fight tooth and nail. Republicans fight back, but not much. The Black Caucus and more liberal Democrats have said the worst thing for years and have gotten away with the worst things for years and some RINOs are worried about decorum?

The press too. The press is complicit. There is a photo of Obama with Farahkhan and other Democrats taken in 2005 and the press kept it hidden for over a decade.

BTW Racist Richard Spencer came out for Biden and the Democrats.

Mike Feldhake said...

Yawn, these endorsements mean very little to the voter. It’s just politics as usual.