Thursday, August 13, 2020

France Bolsters Military Presence In The Mediterranean Over Turkish Gas Explorations

Reuters: France to bolster Mediterranean military presence over Turkish prospecting: Macron

PARIS (Reuters) - France will increase its military presence in the eastern Mediterranean, President Emmanuel Macron said on Wednesday, calling on Turkey to halt oil and gas exploration in disputed waters that has heightened tensions with Greece.

The French leader voiced concern over “unilateral” exploration by Turkey in a call with Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, Macron’s office said in a statement. It added that prospecting should “cease in order to allow a peaceful dialogue” between the neighbouring NATO members.

The standoff deepened this week with the arrival of Turkish seismic research vessel Oruc Reis in a disputed area of the Mediterranean, accompanied by warships.

France will “temporarily reinforce” its military presence, Macron’s statement said, to “monitor the situation in the region and mark its determination to uphold international law.”

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WNU Editor: Turkey is now complaining that they are being blockaded .... Turkey claims it is under 'blockade' in Mediterranean standoff (Jerusalem Post).

More News On France Bolstering Its Military Presence In The Mediterranean

France sends jets and ships to tense east Mediterranean -- BBC
French navy to deter Turkey's oil and gas grab -- EU Observer
France Sends Navy to Eastern Mediterranean Amid Turkey-Greece Standoff -- WSJ
France to boost military presence in eastern Mediterranean -- Al Jazeera
France sends two fighter jets, frigate to eastern Mediterranean amid tensions with Turkey -- Reuters
France stokes Turkey tensions by sending naval vessels to waters off Cyprus -- Financial Times
Macron boosts French fleet presence in Mediterranean & demands Turkey end ‘unilateral’ oil exploration -- RT


Anonymous said...

Ya would hope.

This is not like their backyard. This is like their patio.

If I were Erdogan, i would tremble in my boots and piss my pants, because Macron ...

Yeah right!

Anonymous said...

Only reason that France is doing this, is because of Turkish support in Libya.

That's what it boils down to. This is France's way of adding pressure on Turkey. France will bugger off if Turkey end their support for Libya's recognized government.

Anonymous said...

Recognized corrupt government. That makes corruption okay in my book.

The GNA is very corrupt. It is one reason why they are losing. Gaddaffi was an animal. He let power go to his head. I do enjoy the story, when Gaddaffi had an official who was corrupt and was not getting the job done. Gaddaffi bulldozed his house.

China is recognized by the majority of world governments. Taiwan is not. Which one is more legitimate?

"Appeal to authority" fallacy

Anonymous said...


If you think France's support for Libya's warlord Khalifa Haftar amounts to anything more than oil, then you are horribly misinformed.

And if you think the GNA is losing, you are also gravely mistaken.

Anonymous said...

Field Marshal Khalifa Belqasim Haftar is with the LNA.

The GNA is much much more corrupt than the LNA. People prefer the LNA over the GNA.

Anonymous said...

Just wait until the Venetians arrive, then you will have something to snivel over!

Anonymous said...

First 3 Israelis treated with new passive vaccine recover, leave hospital

Anonymous said...

How does a person who graduates cum laude not get a job before leaving college?

Especially, when they are a double whammy.

1) Does that person suck at interviewing?

2) Was that person carried by teachers?

If you have 3.0 out 4.0, are a minority, and have a pulse, you are going to get a job offer.