Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Hillary Clinton Says Biden 'Should Not Concede The Election Under Any Circumstances'

The Hill: Hillary Clinton: Biden 'should not concede under any circumstances'

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a new interview that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden "should not concede under any circumstances" because she believes the final results in November's election are "going to drag out" due to mail-in voting.

"Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances because I think this is going to drag out, and eventually, I do believe he will win if we don't give an inch and if we are as focused and relentless as the other side is," Clinton told former aide Jennifer Palmieri on Showtime's "The Circus."

"I think that [Republicans] have a couple of scenarios that they are looking toward. One is messing up absentee balloting. They believe that helps them so that they then get maybe a narrow advantage in the Electoral College on Election Day," Clinton, the 2016 Democratic nominee, alleged. "So we've got to have a massive legal operation, and I know the Biden campaign is working on that."

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More News On Hillary Clinton Saying Biden 'Should Not Concede The Election Under Any Circumstances'

Hillary Clinton says Joe Biden should not concede on election night -- Reuters
Hillary Clinton Says Biden Should Not Accept Results Of The 2020 Election -- Zero Hedge
Clinton urges Biden to not concede ‘UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES,’ calls for ‘massive legal op’ in case Trump sees narrow win -- RT


RussInSoCal said...

Hold on, now. It was supposed to be Trump and only Trump who's destroyed our precious Democracy. /Good work, Hillary.



Dave Goldstein said...

murdering bitch

Anonymous said...

In your teens and twenties you read about historical figures and wonder how they did stuff that did not make sense. You wonder about fictional characters in movies and novels and their motivations and some of it leaves you scratching your head.

No longer.

That I lived long enough to see and learn of such deceitful, evil people.

Dave Goldstein is right. Hillary Clinton is a murdering bitch. Many people are going to die, because she opened her mouth and said those words.

I am sitting here and typing thinking about the South African farmers that transplanted to Russia and thinking they got the better end of the deal. Putin is a dictator. Russia is corrupt. By and large everyone at top is going to be ethnic Russian like in the USSR.

Still the Afrikaaners got the better end of the deal (than Americans).

Anonymous said...

Hoping.. Sorry

Anonymous said...

The Democrats are prepping for a disputed election, even if they have to invent the dispute. And that's the least surprising development ever.

As I said in my Civil War speech, the Democrats have disputed every election won by a Republican in this century. And the disputing has only intensified over time. By 2020, the attempt to steal the election is bound to go well past rhetoric, into reality.

Anonymous said...

Not exactly a ringing endorsement of Biden’s strength.