Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Is The Kremlin's Silence On Belarus Working Against Its Long Term Strategic Interests?

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko in Sochi, Russia, December 7, 2019. Reuters

Nina L. Khrushcheva, Project Syndicate: Belarus Is Putin’s to Lose

Each new day of protests works against Russia’s long-term interests in Belarus, and fuels distrust and hostility toward the Kremlin. Russian President Vladimir Putin should openly express solidarity with Belarusian society instead of cautiously supporting President Alexander Lukashenko.

MINSK/MOSCOW – Huge protests have swept Belarus since Aleksandr Lukashenko fraudulently claimed to have won 80% of the vote in the August 9 presidential election. The country’s future may now hinge on Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Lukashenko has ruled Belarus since 1994, not without popular support, even gaining the sobriquet Batka (“father”). But in recent weeks, enraged citizens from all walks of life – including factory workers, doctors, and journalists – have been demonstrating and striking, and young women have suddenly become the face of the opposition. Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, the former teacher whom many believe won the election, is not organizing the protests, but her resolve is channeling the widespread discontent.

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WNU Editor: I agree with the above analysis. Especially its description on who the Belarusian people are (i.e. naive, trusting, obedient, etc.) .... or should I say on who they use to be. For eastern European watchers, the above post is a must read. My prediction. The Kremlin will stay quiet until the end.

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