Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Is The US Mainstream Media Helping To Ferment The Unrest And Violence In The U.S. By Focusing On Certain Stories While Avoiding Others?

The cop said to Friar, who is from nearby Fort Worth: 'Prove to me that the rest of those cards are yours. You've got like ten there'

Nick Wall and his 21-year-old stepdaughter, Laura Anderson. (Photo from Revolver) Suspect Ty Sheem Ha Sheem Walters, III (Courtesy: Georgetown County Detention Center)

WNU Editor: Here are two stories that caught my eye this morning. Both stories are very disturbing, but I also found the media coverage behind both stories to be very revealing on what is happening right now in US news rooms. This story received massive media play in the U.S., Canada, and international media .... EXCLUSIVE: 'Prove to me those credit cards are yours.' Black father-of-six is surrounded by three white armed Texas cops who interrogate him because he had 'too many' credit cards while withdrawing cash from ATM (Daily Mail). Three police officers questioning a black man over his credit cards is not right, and the massive news coverage over that incident (with a heavy focused on the racial component behind it) portrayed it as such. Is this a big story .... no .... but the media treated it as such. The other story is more disturbing, but received no national or international media attention. Only local coverage. A black man executing a white father and his young daughter over a fender bender, and critically wounding a third person who tried to help .... Family remembers Georgetown double homicide victims shot during traffic altercation (News 13). In both instances race appears to be the factor, but no national/international/coverage for one of them. If it was a white man executing a black father and his young daughter would the media coverage be the same? Is there a double standard at play from the media? Is it because police were involved in one story, but not the other? You tell me.


Anonymous said...

Short answer: yes. I'm not a MAGA guy but the news media in this country tries to sell clicks by constructing headlines that are twisted.

Fake News isn't new but it's not getting any better

Amp1776 said...

Unknown said...

After serving 30 yrs the the Metropolitan Police, London, it took me years to figure this out. What actually happened in certain interactions with black Englishmen & what appeared in all British news media Inc the printed press were 2 different things. The Western established wants the working class to fight itself. Black people are very emotional when it comes to this subject & are very very easily manipulated by the press & politicians to feel like they are at the brunt of racial discrimination across the board. Hence public disorder is encouraged. Other individuals of different ethnic groups that have businesses destroyed by mobs become angry & afraid of the violent group. In the meantime Black on black wounding & killings continue. Amongst the biggest loses are the blacks brainwashed & exploited by the establishment. In short, its this way because somebody wants it this way.

Mike Feldhake said...

“Is The US Mainstream Media Helping To Ferment The Unrest And Violence In The U.S. By Focusing On Certain Stories While Avoiding Others?“ - YES. Did you have to ask!?

Anonymous said...

Family remembers Georgetown double homicide victims shot during traffic altercation

WNU linked the above story in his blog post. I copied it for my records. I am very angry. It might not be apparent, but it is like a body of water that has a placid surface but strong, deadly currents underneath.

Someone will get hurt. Someone besides the people that newspapers and others have been hurting. Maybe it is the establishment or newspaper lackeys.

Anonymous said...

8 years of obamma and the kids who grew up during this time are a big factor in today's turmoil.

Anonymous said...

British media are doing their part in the ass hattery

"The audio indicates that police knew there was an arrest warrant out for Blake. But media reports have not said that. For instance, the BBC reported on Tuesday that: “Court records show there was an active arrest warrant against Mr Blake, related to charges of sexual assault, trespassing and disorderly conduct. But it is unclear if police were aware of this at the time of his shooting.”"

So this guy, Blake, is wanted for sexual assault. I guess #Me Too does not count if it intersects with BLM.