Monday, August 17, 2020

Old Video Of Democratic Presidential Hopeful Joe Biden Calling For The Removal Of Turkish President Erdogan Creates An Uproar In Turkey

Bloomberg: Turkey in a Stir Over Biden Remarks Backing Erdogan’s Ouster

An old video of Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden calling for the removal of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has set off a furor in Turkey while earning U.S. President Donald Trump a shout-out.

In a Dec. 16 meeting with New York Times editors, Biden called Erdogan an “autocrat” and advocated that the U.S. “embolden” his opponents to defeat him at the ballot box.

“What I think we should be doing is taking a very different approach to him now, making it clear that we support opposition leadership,” Biden said. The video, which resurfaced on Saturday and has since become the hot topic in Turkey, checked out against a transcript of the meeting the newspaper published.

A backlash soon followed.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The US main stream media is only giving this story a glancing look. But this story is huge in Turkey .... Video of Joe Biden's call to back Erdogan opposition goes viral in Turkey (The National). More Turkish reaction here .... Joe Biden's incendiary comments on Turkey are not those of a statesman (TRT). What's my take. For a politician who is always moaning about Russian interference in US elections, Joe Biden is very open that he wants to interfere in the electoral process in other countries.


Anonymous said...

Dear Editor:
There is a huge difference between denouncing the leader of a foreign nation and directly interfering in the election process of a foreign nation.

Anonymous said...

Is there a difference between a Facebook ad and print in a regular or online newspaper?

Still have not met someone or read someone, who has admitted to Facebook ad by Moscow changing their view and their vote. Of course Democrats have not named the 2 prostitutes, who supposedly peed on a bed.

I thought Brennan himself would have gone to Moscow to interview the 2 prostitutes and come back to the US and told us the down and dirty.

My 1st reaction is the most Turkish American citizens will not vote for Joe Biden. That is based on my knowledge of local Turkish Americans. My second reaction was since Erdogan is seen as a strong Muslim leader many Muslims who are non Turkish will not vote for Biden.

No one gave Biden the memo that Democrats have been swapping out the Jewish vote for the Muslim vote. Wait, Biden did not make the decision. One of his young illiterate campaign staffers made the smart decision for him.

Obama did say "Never underestimate Biden's ability to fuck it up."

Let's be honest. While the American press might give the story short shrift, the Turkish news media will not. Turkish Americans will read those. So ABC and the rest of the alphabet soup of American media will think they can quash the story and they cannot Losers all!

Anonymous said...

Well he's not wrong. I'm sure the Greeks and French would agree with this.

RussInSoCal said...

Well, if this ever gets through to the Biden campaign and if he's ever asked a question on it - which are both highly doubtful - he'll back track at full speed.

Anonymous said...

He (or hist staff) is not wrong in sentiment. It is that they do not have their ducks lined up. The Turks have plenty of American hostages to take in Incirlik, Northern Iraq and Northern Syria. Add to that tourists American & European. It would be nice to get our people free and clear ahead of starting some shit.

Last thing Team Democrat did was to go after General Flynn in small part over Fethullah Gülen. Do you think that escaped Erdogan's notice?

Neither Fethullah Gülen or Erdogan are friendly towards Americans, but at least we could have had the idiot in our backyard gone.

Amp1776 said...

Another demographic down the drain for biden. lol

Anonymous said...

@11:15 AM

Yeah, but the editor is showing his political bias so its fine.

Anonymous said...

The Russians spend $80,000 on Facebook ads. Hillary and Jeb Bush both has 1 billion dollar war chests.

You realize that 1 billion is 12,500 times large than $80K That is 4 orders of magnitude larger.

Add to Hillary's stash were all the Democrat PAC's.

Some of that 80K was spent after the actual election. In fact most of it was. So the Russians spent less than 40K before the election and that derailed the Hillary train. If 409K derails the Hildebeaste, then she should be derailed. She did not have what it takes other than the desire.


Obama and Clinton sent people to Israel to affect the elections. But Democrats are raw, when it happens to them.

Democrats who have been bought and paid for by their Chinese overlords from Clinton to Biden.

Yeah, those many mother fuckers.

Anonymous said...

Why has an American elected official not have the right to voice his opinion on the leadership of a foreign govt so long as his government does not interfere with the electoral process of that nation?
Has Trump said nothing about leaders in Canada, Germany, France, N. Korea, China etc?

Anonymous said...

Canadian, German, & French leaders are not likely to kill Americans. Erdogan, you never know.

North Korea has killed Americans, but we are talking about onesies to twosies, who for some God Forsaken reason decided it was no big deal to visit it.

China has plenty of expats to threaten, but it would mean war. Besides China is not too concerned about American and would probably not hold expats hostage as they know they can buy Democrat politicians, Cheaper by the Dozen.

Bought Democrats are:
- Clintons
- AL Gore
- Bidens
- Feinstein
- Nike

Now Clintons are a wild card. They have been bough both by Russia and China. Is suspect that Putin or Xi would take ownership of the Clinton to the WTO for arbitration.

Who do you think would win, Russia or China?

Or would the WTO go Solomon on the subject with a sword?

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