Thursday, August 13, 2020

President Trump Announces 'Historic Peace Agreement' Between Israel, UAE

Daily Mail: Donald Trump unveils Middle East 'peace deal' with Israel gaining diplomatic relations with UAE in return for abandoning Jared Kushner's 'deal of the century' and not annexing swathes of West Bank

* President Donald Trump said the United Arab Emirates and Israel have agreed to establish full diplomatic ties
* It's part of a deal to halt the annexation of occupied land sought by the Palestinians for their future state
* Recognition grants a rare diplomatic win to Trump ahead of November election
* But it's a departure from the 'deal of a century' his administration unveiled in January - a plan put together by Senior Adviser Jared Kushner

President Donald Trump said on Thursday that the United Arab Emirates and Israel have agreed to establish full diplomatic ties as part of a deal to halt the Israeli annexation of occupied land sought by the Palestinians for their future state.

The announcement makes the UAE only the third Arab nation to have active diplomatic ties to Israel, after Egypt and Jordan, and, in with it, Israel forgoes plans to annex occupied West Bank territory in order to focus on improving its relationship with the rest of the Arab world.

In a surprise announcement, Trump tweeted a statement from the countries, acknowledging the deal.

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More News On President Trump Announcing A 'Historic Peace Agreement' Between Israel And The UAE

UAE, Israel normalise ties: All the latest updates -- Al Jazeera
President Trump says UAE to open diplomatic ties with Israel -- AP
Israel, UAE agree to normalise relations, with help from Trump -- Reuters
Israel, UAE normalise relations in historic, Trump-brokered deal -- France 24
Israel and UAE strike historic deal to normalise relations -- BBC
Trump announces Israel and United Arab Emirates will reestablish diplomatic ties in potentially historic deal -- USA Today
Israel and United Arab Emirates Strike Major Diplomatic Agreement -- New York Times
Trump announces 'Historic Peace Agreement' between Israel, UAE -- FOX News
Israel and the UAE have established 'full normalization of relations,' Trump says -- CNN
Israel and UAE to form diplomatic ties, says Donald Trump -- The Guardian
Israel and UAE to start diplomatic ties after breakthrough deal -- DW
Israel and UAE announce normalisation of relations with US help -- Al Jazeera
Israel and UAE reach historic peace deal, Israel to suspend annexation -- Jerusalem Post


Anonymous said...

I like Trump but it feels like the typical stunt he and Benjamin do together for PR reasons ahead of an election.. they've done it a few times now before general and midterm election and other crucial votes on both sides

Anonymous said...

And he better focus on America's needs right now, no one cares about what two waring nations do, have done for decades. It's up to them to grow up

Anonymous said...

I see it as a stunt. Democrat stuns have more real world consequences. They destroy cities.

Chicago Goes Medieval

Ahead of every election it is OWS, BLM or something.

WNU yesterday posted.

WNU Editor: "This happens on every US Presidential election cycle. Two to three months before the election US military forces are deployed throughout the world."

So every election we can expect military assets to be deployed to dissuade foes and for the Democrats to burn & loot cities.

I said above that i thought it was a nothing agreement. But on the other side of the coin, it does possibly set up UAE to draw the wrath of other Muslim countries and groups. That would make it something not a nothing.

The UAE isn't exactly toothless. It plays in Yemen and Syria. It has floated Egypt monetarily. UAE is a country on the smallish side geographically but to underrate it would be huge mistake.

Anonymous said...

"in 2015 the UAE joined the Saudi-led coalition intervention in Yemen by sending 30 UAEAF F16 Desert Falcons to Yemen. The intervention was followed by Emirati ground troops deployment in Southern Yemen mainly focusing on targeting terrorist cells such as the Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and the Islamic State."

Anonymous said...

The emirates are also in the Sinai & Libya.

"UAE to continue aid to Egypt, sees more stability after Sisi win" - al Reuters

"The UAE took part in the 2014 American-led intervention in Syria against ISIL.[6] It later broke with Saudi Arabia by supporting the 2015 Russian military intervention in the Syrian Civil War, maintaining it was against a "common enemy".[7] It also reportedly provided funding for the moderate Southern Front, through an Amman-based Military Operations Center, although this Center has been inactive since 2017.[8][9] Alongside the United States, it has been involved in supporting and training the Kurdish-dominated Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) from 2017 onwards.[3][10][11] Along with Egypt and Russia, it also supports the Syria's Tomorrow Movement, which has a military wing, the Elite Forces, that is part of the SDF"

Anonymous said...

Where Hamas Gets Its Money

" The United Arab Emirates (UAE) also pledged to rebuild schools, mosques, hospitals and 1,300 damaged Gaza houses. In addition, the Emirates raised more than $87 million in a nationwide telethon on Jan. 9."

With Israel’s Consent, Qatar Gave Gaza $1 Billion Since 2012
Last year Qatar gave Gaza $200 million for aid, fuel and government salaries – and is expected to provide hundreds of millions more this year - Haaretz

Hamas condemned the Peace Treaty.

Anonymous said...

Netanyahu says he's "still committed" to annexations despite UAE deal

Anonymous said...

"Jewish Democrats used to hold public office because they were elected by Jewish voters. That’s no longer true in New York.

It’s still true in Florida and a few other states. But not for long."

Anonymous said...

"A decade ago there were six Jewish House Democrats out of New York. Now there are two"

Anonymous said...

"The relationship between Jewish communities and elected officials is being broken. And that has implications well beyond Israel, BDS, or Iran. It means that Jews are no longer a Democrat constituency. That’s a reality that is quietly sinking in for many Jewish Democrat professionals, especially after the purge of Rep. Elliot Engel by a radical backed not only by AOC, but Obama.

According to Jamaal Bowman, Obama decided to endorse him after reading his response to a liberal Jewish clergyman rejecting his call to fight BDS and bashing Israel's military.

Obama hates someone's son. You know the son that served in the IDF. Still that someone would happily voter for Obama again or gleefully vote for whoever Obama endorses. Obama could endorse Adolf and, stupid would vote for Adolf/

Anonymous said...

"The relationship between Jewish communities and elected officials is being broken. And that has implications well beyond Israel, BDS, or Iran. It means that Jews are no longer a Democrat constituency. That’s a reality that is quietly sinking in for many Jewish Democrat professionals, especially after the purge of Rep. Elliot Engel by a radical backed not only by AOC, but Obama.

According to Jamaal Bowman, Obama decided to endorse him after reading his response to a liberal Jewish clergyman rejecting his call to fight BDS and bashing Israel's military.

Most Jewish Democrat voters are steadily refusing to pay attention to this phenomenon."

Anonymous said...

"As Senator Kamala Harris hits the campaign trail, look for her to tout her Jewish husband, and to endlessly retell the same story about her mother-in-law. Politics is built on lame ethnic pandering, but these tired routines are obscuring something much more deeply disturbing.

Obama and Harris both signed off on Iran’s nuclear program and the flow of money to terrorists. And they’ve covered that disturbing fact over with happy talk about all their Jewish friends."

Bird Brains like happy talk.

Anonymous said...

“I think I am the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat in this office,"

- Obama

Anonymous said...

"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the squad leader who supported Omar’s pro-BDS resolution, has a speaking slot at the Democrat convention


Jewish Democrats can’t keep on pretending that these views are marginal when they occupy a speaking role at their convention between John Kerry and Bill Clinton."

Anonymous said...

Biden Claims Credit for Peace Between Israel-UAE. He's Right.