Wednesday, August 5, 2020

President Trump Remarks On The Massive Explosion That Rocked Beirut This Tuesday

Daily Mail: 'It was a bomb': Trump calls deadly Beirut explosions a 'terrible attack' and says US is ready to assist Lebanon after at least 78 are killed and more than 4,000 injured

* A series of massive explosions in the Lebanese capital's port area rocked the city on Tuesday evening local time, killing at least 78 people and injuring 4,000
* Trump described the blast as a 'terrible attack' and said he had been advised by 'great generals' that the explosion was caused by 'a bomb of some kind'
* So far, no evidence has been released to the public to indicate that the explosions were the result of an attack
* The Lebanese government says it's still investigating the source of the explosion but believe it was caused by a stash of ammonium nitrate catching fire
* Lebanon's Prime Minister Hassan Diab called the explosion a 'catastrophe' and vowed that those responsible 'will pay for what happened'

President Donald Trump described a series of deadly explosions in Beirut as a ‘terrible attack’ Tuesday, despite no evidence currently suggesting the blasts were intentional.

A series of massive explosions in the Lebanese capital's port area rocked the city on Tuesday evening local time, killing at least 78 people and injuring more than 4,000 others.

'The United States stands ready to assist Lebanon,’ Trump said of the devastating scenes during a White House briefing. ‘We will be there to help. It looks like a terrible attack.’

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More News On President Trump Remarking On The Massive Explosion That Rocked Beirut This Tuesday

Trump says Beirut explosion seems to be 'bomb of some kind,' cites generals -- Reuters
Donald Trump claims massive explosion in Beirut was an 'attack' despite local authorities saying otherwise -- ABC News Online
'It was a bomb': Trump says deadly Beirut explosion was 'terrible attack' – despite no evidence it was deliberate -- The Independent
‘A bomb of some kind’? Trump says US military officials think deadly Beirut blast was an ATTACK -- RT


fazman said...

He said it looks like, not it is. Did someone in the military advise him that it was or looked like a bomb?.
Tbh half the world probability thought it was at first glance.

Anonymous said...

Everyone's 1st guess is that Israel sabotage an arms factory. That would make it intentional.

But 5:25 AM weighing in at a staggering 1,500 nanograms opines about Trump's stupidity and instead shows off its TDS.

Anonymous said...

@August 5, 2020 at 7:10 AM

5:25am may be 1,500 nanograms, but Trump's cock that you're busy suckling on clearly weights much less.

Anonymous said...

I blame Obama

Anonymous said...

Sifting Beirut's rubble for bodies: Over 100 people are killed and thousands hurt after 'welder' sparks warehouse fire that ignited 2,700 tons of highly explosive chemicals 'seized from a ship' causing 3 kiloton blast - a fifth the size of Hiroshima bomb

Anonymous said...

The word you were searching in vain for is weighs not weights. Contact a lawyer and sue your ESL instructor.

Anonymous said...

anon 8:44
grammar nazi...most likely a typing error. But you are perfect, Rite?

Anonymous said...

I do blame Obama. With Obama sending $ 1,7 billion to Iran, the Iranians could afford to splurge and spend big bucks on their main squeeze Nasrallah.

So did the Lebanese government really take the ammonium nitrate away from Hezbollah and their matriarch Nasrallah?

Why has it taken them 6 years to get rid of it? Because they never intended to get rid of it.

The Lesbanese government impounded it after Hezbollah got caught with it. It is security theater. The nitrate was meant to go back to Hezbollah, when no one was looking or when war breaks out.

Anonymous said...

At least .1% of the money Obama gave Iran for terrorism is up in smoke.

Fixing Obama's mistakes is hard, but someone has got to do it!

Anonymous said...

Has nothing to do with being a grammar NAZI. I don't think the poster is a native speaker, so I called it. I think the speaker is a foreign troll, who monitors sites and tears them up, so I feel good tearing his ass up and handing it back to him with a smile.

Quick response btw. It looks like you are doing a little monitoring and shepherding yourself. Is the pay good?

Anonymous said...

Why show your stupidity, anon: You do not understand what and why Obama gave back to Iran Iran's money and what has that to do with nitrate explosion in Lebanon. your comment is just plain dumb

Anonymous said...

I understand appeasers like Neville Chamberlain and Obama quite well.

Obama should apologize for shameful cash payment to Iran"

"These were facts that former President Obama knew when he deliberately chose a policy of appeasement and cash payoffs instead of strength and accountability as the way to deal with Iran."

"“Iran’s hostilities substantially increased after the foolish Iran nuclear deal was signed in 2013 and they were given $150 billion, not to mention $1.8 billion in cash. ... Then, Iran went on a terror spree, funded by the money from the deal and created hell in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Iraq. "

Yemeni Civil War (2015–present)

Obama's payments to Iran and the start of the Yemeni War line up quite nicely.

Layguy said...

Appeasement is always a strategic error.

Anonymous said...

1/5th of Hiroshima? I doubt that.

First you're comparing apples Roth oranges. Sure. You've reported the weights right but came to the wrong conclusions.

A kiloton in nuclear talk, when you refer to US nuclear bombs especially, and it would make sense as you refer to Hiroshima and kiloton, is measured based on the trinity bomb, which was measured on stacks of TNT.

So a kiloton nuclear bomb refers to a kiloton TNT. Not some unnamed chemical liquid (which might be more explosive, but it looks less than a fifth of Hiroshima by a long shot and discounting long terms deaths.. just looking at buildings.. this wasn't a fifth of Hiroshima. If you got your knowledge from some website news, I'd humbly suggest to switch websites

Anonymous said...

Roth oranges from Roth Family Orchard are very tasty, if I must say so myself!

B.Poster said...

Trump says it "looks like" an attack. Obviously he cannot "know" as the US doesn't have operatives on the ground or allies who will share such information with them even if they did "know."

Trump cites the "generals." The generals likeky would've had such information spoon fed to them by US (un)intelligence officials. If POTUS is still relying on these people, that is troubling in and of itself. Trump probably should've kept his mouth shut here.

With that said the worldwide conventional wisdom on this is it was an attack. It would've been helpful though if POTUS cited a more reliable source than US generals.

Since it likeky was an attack, who did it? I'd tend to discount the possibility that Isreal was behind it. To sloppy and to mich collateral damage. As it seems highly likeky this was/is a Hezbollah bomb factory, enemies of the Shia and Iran such as ISIS or Al Qaeda. Another possibility is a "false flag" operation where Israel or the US is blamed.

Anonymous said...

US defense officials contradict Trump: No indication yet of attack in Beirut

Anonymous said...

How would US defense officials know? They have my spies in the Trump campaign than in Lebanon.

A priori most people give it 50% Mossad did this and 50% that poor Lebanese quality control is to blame.

Then there is parrot. He eats any and all shit placed before him by corporate media. Better yet he does so with a smile and great gusto. What media organization ask for more than that?

Anonymous said...

US defense officials contradict Trump: No indication yet of attack in Beirut

How can you contradict "looks like"

Well, if you have a heavy viral load of TDS, I guess it is possible.

Maybe since parrot is riven through and through with TDS, that perhaps he should be quarantined?

Anonymous said...

I note that gay lad still has hard on for an itch in your groin since I blocked your emails to me?

Anonymous said...

And parrot went to an ad hominem attack, since he cannot rebut people who criticize his stupid
comment on Trump.

While parrots' ad hominem attacks are the usual staple, we all can see he has expanded his go to put downs from girlie boy to gay lad. Keep it up and your spouse will throw you out.

Anonymous said...

“Why the Hell Would I Take a Test?… Are You a Junkie?” – Joe Biden

Anonymous said...

The reporter interviewing Joe Biden was black. Maybe that is why Biden assumed that he was a junkie.

Anonymous said...

“Why the Hell Would I Take a Test?… Are You a Junkie?” – Joe Biden

Anonymous said...

Husband of Nasty Democrat Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell Who Accused AG Barr of Murder,

Was Paid $700,000 by Ukranian Oligarch

Anonymous said...

Woke Taliban Blacklist ‘Kindergarten Cop’ from Oregon Screening

Democrats are coming for everything.

Anonymous said...

After spreading endless lies about vote-by-mail’s supposed susceptibility to fraud, President Trump and his family members — who often double as his propagandists — are suddenly scrambling to reassure voters that mail-balloting is actually tremendously secure and reliable.

Yet they are mainly doing this in one particular state — Florida, which just happens to be an absolute must-win for Trump.

But in undertaking this new scramble, Trump and his spinners are actually reminding us of the degree to which they are willing to corrupt our election on his behalf. The stakes are incredibly high: Large numbers of voters could be disenfranchised, allowing Trump to prevail.

Nevada has ZERO infrastructure for Mail-In Voting. It will be a corrupt disaster if not ended by the Courts. It will take months, or years, to figure out. Florida has built a great infrastructure, over years, with two great Republican Governors. Florida, send in your Ballots!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 5, 2020

My father-in-law, President Trump, has always supported absentee voting, with safeguards in place. We want you to know there is a difference between the Democrat-imposed vote-by-mail systems and the vote-by-mail systems you have in Florida.

In Florida, you as the voter must both register and request your absentee ballot. This is very different and much more secure a process than when the Democrats mail everyone in the state a ballot, often resulting in ballots being mailed to abandoned addresses and individuals not registered to vote.

Lara Trump then urges Florida voters to obtain their absentee ballots.

Anonymous said...

Florida already has a system in place. Nevada is going to try to have one in place 60 to 90 days ahead of an election. Big difference.

There are New York primaries that took place in June and now it is August and we still do not know the outcome. But Parrot, the blithely stupid kook, thinks it is a great idea. New York used a spur of the moment, ad hoc, fly by the seat of your pants mail in system.

But whatever parrot you suck.

Anonymous said...

25 percent of ballots in Brooklyn June primaries invalid

So of you throw something together at the last moment you get a train wreck. I have to assume that Democrats want a train wreck so that they can seize power like the dictatorial thugs that they are.