Thursday, August 27, 2020

Turkish President Erdogan Says Turkey Will Make No Concessions In Eastern Mediterranean

France 24: Erdogan warns Greece that Turkey will ‘never compromise’ on Mediterranean energy reserves

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan warned Greece on Wednesday not to test his country’s patience or courage, further stoking tensions between the NATO allies over offshore energy exploration in the eastern Mediterranean.

Erdogan’s tough words came despite mediation efforts by Germany, whose foreign minister conducted shuttle diplomacy between Athens and Ankara a day earlier in a bid to deescalate the situation as Turkey and Greece engaged in competing military exercises at sea.

The neighboring countries are locked in an acrimonious dispute over maritime boundaries and offshore energy rights. They have sent warships to shadow each other in the eastern Mediterranean and held military exercises within a broad area between Crete and Cyprus where Turkey has a vessel conducting drilling research.

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More News On Turkish President Erdogan Saying Turkey Will Make No Concessions In Eastern Mediterranean

Erdogan: Turkey will make no concessions in eastern Mediterranean (Al Jazeera)
Turkey, Greece stick to their guns in escalating Med dispute -- AP
Turkey reiterates determination to defend legitimate interests in East Med -- Daily Sabah
‘If Greece wants to pay a price, let them come’: Erdogan fires back at Athens as Mediterranean row escalates -- RT


RussInSoCal said...

Sounds to me like Erdogan is taking his lead from the Chinese.

Anonymous said...

Highly enlightening post, Unknown. Thanks a ton.

Anonymous said...

LOL @ 10:11AM Anon! Don't you speak gibberish?