Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Tweets For Today


Anonymous said...

• NY’s virus death toll in nursing homes could be an undercount.

Ya think ?!?! Cuomo the Demcorat has a mountain of bodies to hide

• Pandemic disrupts supply of antiretroviral drugs in South Africa, world.

That body count is on the Democrats and liberals world wide. So now liberals are killing people with HIV through malicious neglect.

"Drilling down to Section 27-22 finally gets you to “Required High School Courses.” There, you’ll find what law requires for graduation: 4 years of language arts; 3 years of math; 2 years each of social studies, science, and “writing intensive courses”; and 1 year “chosen from” music, art, foreign language, or vocational education."

As ignorant as people are of science, I do not think public education is working.

Anonymous said...

"New Zealand records first cases in 102 days"

So the are locking down the capital again.

This great news. It proves WE ARE GODS!

Back in the dismal past if medieval villagers decided to not work due to the bubonic plague or other disease and not plant for a harvest for a season, they would starve in 1 year.

But us, we don't have to work. Gravity does not apply to us either.

That Jacinda bitch is one stupid person.

Anonymous said...

People are herd animals
They see the country where it broke out (China), spray down even streets and are of course panicked and do the same. And why wouldn't they? Who knows what virus China has released. People get even nerve issues and get into shock from this"cold flu" virus. The entire world economy is fcked thanks to China and their grip on our media and education and political system is so strong, that while people are dying, not one politician has asked for reparations. Ask for reparations and China, during a crisis they caused, threatens you and denies PPE they bought up.

We are at war and our politicians better smell the coffee or the mob will come to them next. Your cannot avoid it either, dear politicians, only delay it

Anonymous said...

"For four months, the Victoria’s Secret flagship store at Herald Square in Manhattan has been closed and not paying its $937,000 monthly rent. “It will be years before retail has even a chance of returning to New York City in its pre-Covid form,” the retailer’s parent company recently told its landlord in a legal document."

Time for all good libtards in the greater NYC area to pay a war tax to bail out Cuomo and de Blasio,