Tuesday, August 11, 2020

US Democrat Candidate Joe Biden Has Picked Senator Kamala Harris To Be His Vice Presidential Running Mate

WNU Editor: It was either her or Susan Rice. In the end Joe Biden clearly chose someone who is a campaigner.

Update: This is what I said last week ....

.... What Biden needs is someone to dominate the campaign trail. To hit 4 or 5 campaign spots daily, because he certainly does not have the energy to do it. If Biden does not choose Rice, it will be due to this lack of campaign experience. And if Sen. Kamala Harris is chosen, it will be due to her ability to campaign all across the country and to motivate the Democrat base because many of them are only motivated to vote Trump out rather than voting Biden in.


Anonymous said...

Oh boy! More manure from the obamma era.

Anonymous said...

I wonder, if she had to audition for the position like she did with Willie Brown.

RussInSoCal said...

Harris sure put a lot of "Little Guys" in the slam while she was California Attorney General. 1,900 pot convictions in San Fran alone.

The perfect Marxist to pair with a bigoted moron.


Anonymous said...

'Lil Miss Pottie

Anonymous said...

The possibility of a black woman president in the near future?

CHUD's will spontaneously combust left and right.

Anonymous said...

The Village Idiot spoke up at 5:44, which is not a shock.

Republicans prefer smart, upright candidates for president. We have seriously considered black candidates and black female candidates based on merit and accomplishments.

"The "Draft Condi" movement (or "Draft Rice" movement) was a grassroots effort to draft United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice to run for President of the United States in the 2008 U.S. election."

Condeeelza got, where she has gone, based on Merit. Kamala Harris has achieved what she has based on tribal affiliation (Democrat Party) and work as a demimonde to get her attorney gigs.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if we'll hear about Obama as much as we used to from Joe. Kamala is picked partially to be Joe's public mouthpiece. Harris is a mistake for a pick.

Anonymous said...

Kamala Harris Launched Her Political Career in Bedroom As Mistress of Married Mayor Willie Brown

Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown admitted this week to an extramarital affair with Kamala Harris.

Brown also admitted to giving Harris her first state jobs.

Did Willie Brown have a casting couch?

Or did he use a bed and a casting couch?

Anonymous said...

If she can just get out from under this damn Willie Brown thing.

Harris routinely tries to distance herself from her ex-squeeze, whom she hates even talking about. The mere mention of their former liaison makes her shoulders tense, her hands clench, and her eyes narrow.

San Francisco Weekly

Anonymous said...

"Willie Brown gave his young mistress her first state positions totaling more than $400,000 in five years."

That comes out to $ 80,000 per year and we did not get a reach around.

Anonymous said...

".... and work as a demimonde to get her attorney gigs."

LOL, what a douchebag. You must be very popular with the ladies. Have you ever been on a date?

Anonymous said...

Kamala needs to pay reparations NOW!


"Donald Harris, a Stanford University economics professor and father of 2020 Democrat candidate, wrote about how they are descendant of an Irishman who owned a slave plantation in Jamaica in a piece titled “Reflections of a Jamaican Father."

Anonymous said...


The facts speak for themselves.

"Willie Brown gave his young mistress her first state positions totaling more than $400,000 in five years."

Maybe Kamala never had kids, because she was too busy to date and get married early on.

She was otherwise ... should we say ... occupied.

Anonymous said...

So you can't get a date?

Anonymous said...

You sound desperate for a date, but I'm not interested.

Anonymous said...

A political striver. Bad for the country. Bad for many people. A political choice by the crumbling joe and friends. Because of which the country and the world will be subjected to more empty smiles, more empty camarademrie, more shallow attempts to try and ascertain what will get her into office.
Another political chameleon. Flexible to the winds of public opinion.
A political monster whose career was in part built upon imprisoning many for a naturally occurring CO2 using life form that is now legal the country over as was predicted while ms. harris plugged the gates of societal decline with her very own finger in the dike.

Whatta gal!

RussInSoCal said...

8:29 PM

Agreed, Harris is as vacant and malleable as Biden. I can't name three things she stridently believes in other than gun confiscation, tax-funded medical care for illegals and the abolishment of red meat and plastic straws.

And it certainly wasn't Biden who chose Harris. It was his handlers who chose her. And it will be the Biden/Harris campaign apparatchiks who will be putting the script in front of Harris as she is put forward as the prime panderer of the Dem party.

She failed to connect with voters in the primary and she will fail to connect with them now. In a few days she will prove herself as inept a VP candidate as she was a primary challenger. (The Bernie Base is already seething)

And the race will again become the contest between President Trump and a senile bigot in Joe Biden.

Anonymous said...

Who her?

RussInSoCal said...

Yeah her.

Sen. Kamala Harris Compares ICE To The KKK

Anonymous said...

Well, Biden could've picked Shaun King. He is a white male, who identifies as black. With a teeny weeny, itsy bitsy re-imagining, Shauna could identify as Shauna.

She, her, hers'.

Anonymous said...

Democrats have to win this election or they a finished.

"Major National Chains Flee De Blasio's New York"

Anonymous said...

Story about a change in New York City that is beginning to be noticeable can be read at thecritic.co.uk, the july 23 edition. "Start spreadin' the news" is the article's title. Coumo is not gonna like what the author has to say. Especially since so much of NYC's problems are of his and his predecessors' doing.
Enjoyable read, I felt.

RussInSoCal said...


