Tuesday, August 25, 2020

U.S. Speaker Of The House Says President Trump And Republicans Are Domestic Enemies .... Enemies Of The State

FOX News: Pelosi calls Trump, GOP lawmakers 'domestic enemies,' 'enemies of the state' over mail-in voting opposition

The top Democrat told MSNBC Russia isn't the only one 'trying to interfere in our election'

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., escalated her attacks toward President Trump and GOP lawmakers Monday, describing them as "domestic enemies" over their opposition to universal mail-in voting.

During an interview on "MSNBC Live" with anchor Ayman Mohyeldin, Pelosi slammed Trump's repeated rhetoric opposing mail-in voting and accused him of "scaring" potential voters and welcoming Russian interference in the upcoming election.

Read more ....

Update #1: Pelosi calls Trump & Republicans ‘enemies of the state’ in diatribe about elections and postal service (RT)
Update #2: As Violent Riots Break Out, Democrat Nancy Pelosi Labels Republicans As ‘Enemies Of The State’ (Daily Wire)

WNU Editor: What I find interesting about this story is how the main stream media is ignoring it.


RussInSoCal said...

The Pelosi assclown is an autonomous GOP/Trump campaign ad.



Anonymous said...

There's a good book that I recommend by Dr Steve Peters called The Chimp Paradox.
When it comes to the brain you have the Frontal (Human), the Limbic (Chimp) and the Parietal.
The Frontal is the Human side. It thinks thinks through evidence, through rational uses context and perspectives with an understanding that life is seen through shades of grey before it comes to a balanced judgement.
The Limbic that is the Chimp, thinks via emotions by jumping to conclusions, sees the world in black and white, is catastrophic and paranoid in thinking. It can be irrational and will use judgement dependent on feelings.
The features of the human system is Honesty, Compassion, Conscience, Law Abiding, Self Control, Purpose, Achievement and Satisfaction.
The drives of the Chimp side of the brain is the place in the Troop, Ego, Shelter, Territory, Inquisitiveness, Food, Power, Sex, Parental Sex and Security.
Sadly our Chimp side of the brain is five times stronger than our human side.
The Parietal acts like a computer which will react automatically to stored information gathered during someone's lifetime. This is 20 times the power.
Another thing the human will look for facts, truth and evidence before it comes to a conclusion. The Chimp will already come to a conclusion and will look for facts, truth and evidence to support it.
Dr Steve Peters has helped those involved in Sport to improve their performances including Olympic Teams, GB Cycling Teams, England Football, Liverpool Football, Masters Golf among others. Definitely worth checking the book.

Anonymous said...

Maxine Waters called for the formation of mobs and the harassment of Republicans. Many were beaten in the aftermath of her encouragement of violence.

Hillary Clinton, right after Maxine did her vile deed, called for an "end to civility" "until we're back in power". Hillary was on this day still the most prominent democratic female figure. Think of it. Civility can end ... until we Back in power....

And now you've got mobs and streets burning

And on top of all this, Pelosi labels Republicans as enemy of the state.. giving another incentive for violence.. this is so reckless

Is it just me or are women -- extremely reckless -- with their words and extremely cavalier with calling for violence and harassment of politically opposed?


I don't want another Pelosi, Clinton or Maxine.

All of them divisive. All of them liars. All of them ok with violence.

And these lies that women are more inclusive, better listeners. All lies.

Our society really needs to address this. We are more divided, lie way more, are more stressed out, accomplish less. 70 years of feminism and entitlement programs and wealth transfer and disadvantaging men on an industrial scale to please women. And this is the state of things: Waters, Clinton, Pelosi. All incompetent. All liars. All ok with violence. None of them good listeners. None of them inclusive.

We need change for real

Anonymous said...

Clinton urges Biden to not concede ‘UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES,’ calls for ‘massive legal op’ in case Trump sees narrow win


So far women bring us

Violence in the streets
Abandonment of due process
Now Hillary calls for an end to democracy

Please no more women in powerful positions. They're not scared of violence because they're so protected. We men, who often are at the receiving end of violence they OK, know how bad violence is. But not as bad as the verbal violence women are ok with too.. women really do a lot more shit then we give them credit for look at the arson and fire bombing incident s during the riots and protests. Many, many of them were women. One lady was caught on camera burning 3 cop cars.. like wtf women are toy all synchronised with your madness or what?

We need less crazy people in command. We need less calls for violence. We need less calls for "I always believe her"

Fckin animals.. they still pretend they do no harm. People died of this shit. Scores got their shops burned and looted. Countless men were beaten for offending Maxine Waters.
It must end. If women do not take responsibility then we shouldn't treat them as grown ups. What is this? 70 years of entitlement programs and you're the best of the crop? I almost throw up in my mouth, the results for society are so bad

Anonymous said...

Is Kim done yelling yet? How much cocaine did Junior blow yesterday?

Amp1776 said...

Russiagate / Spygate....

Anonymous said...

There are no adults in the room at the DNC. They could not dial it back if there were. No one would listen to them.

Once could that maybe if there were that they could stop funding the violence would just create a lull in the action. Really a Reload phase.

I would like to point out that Nancy's daughter works for PBS. So maybe Clintons though it was their due to get Chelsea on at NBC for $600,000. They were going down a well established path. Why does this matter? They been at it for so long they cannot see it for what it is. they are the law. Nancy deems that she did nothing wrong by calling Republicans the enemy.

Putin is a fucking dictator. God help the Russian Mafia, when they negotiate with a clique worse than them.

Anonymous said...

I see a growing desperation in Miss Nancy.
At 80 years on this planet, I would expect better.

Anonymous said...