Tuesday, August 25, 2020

WHO Head Says The Covid-19 Pandemic Means That ‘We Cannot Go Back To The Way Things Were’. World Will Also Need To Respond To Climate Change

CNBC: WHO warns coronavirus vaccine alone won’t end pandemic: ‘We cannot go back to the way things were’

* World leaders and the public must learn to manage the virus and make permanent adjustments to their daily lives to bring the virus down to low levels, the WHO said.
* Throughout history, outbreaks and pandemics have changed economies and societies, the agency said.

The World Health Organization said Friday that a vaccine will be a “vital tool” in the global fight against the coronavirus, but it won’t end the Covid-19 pandemic on its own and there’s no guarantee scientists will find one.

World leaders and the public must learn to manage the virus and make permanent adjustments to their daily lives to bring the virus down to low levels, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said during a news conference from the agency’s Geneva headquarters. “At the same time, we will not, we cannot go back to the way things were.”

Throughout history, outbreaks and pandemics have changed economies and societies, he said.

“In particular, the Covid-19 pandemic has given new impetus to the need to accelerate efforts to respond to climate change,” he said. “The Covid-19 pandemic has given us a glimpse of our world as it could be: cleaner skies and rivers.”

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Update: COVID-19 pandemic gives new impetus in response to climate change: WHO chief (Xinhaunet)

WNU Editor: This is why people are losing trust in international institutions like the WHO. Instead of focusing on the pandemic, it looks like the WHO is now focused on climate change and rearranging the global economy order. Also not surprisingly, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus provides zero evidence to back his claims.


Unknown said...

I don't care about death I am 4 life so today we are in the kingdom of God all of us faithful child u

Unknown said...

B aware of your thoughts people some time it's best not to think at all right u Budda lover

Unknown said...

Just dance ur way to heaven

RussInSoCal said...

Global/government elites have never been more powerful than they are now. No way they're going to give that up. Voluntarily.

Amp1776 said...

A net result of not facing the communist threat head on in 45, or even 54.

Anonymous said...

This guy has lost all credibility, should resign in disgrace and pray we can't link him to what China did

In my book he's a co-conspirator to the largest humanitarian and economic crime ever perpetrated.

By UN estimates when all this is over by end of 2022, 200 million will have died of food shortages, 5 million or more directly because of the virus, another 5 million due to suicide, 20 million (about twice as many as Hitler killed) will die because they can't afford medication.

China will have killed more than 10 Hitlers, and destroyed 20 times more economic means than WW2

In short, you may not notice it yet, but we will be at war with China over this. And I mean kinetic. And every country will be part of this as the -entire-world economy will be fckes with the harshest times coming early next year, when it's clear that many countries collapse,while China goes on a buying spree offering immoral deals to the ones they put into these desperate situations

Peofiteering of our deaths while insulting us and shaming us not to call it Wuhan virus. Even the demonic CNN anchors will not be part of this much longer

Anonymous said...

There are at least 144 different subtypes of influenza A viruses. There are at least seven types of corona viruses that can infect people.

Add in adeno viruses and others, I don believe we can vaccinate against them all. Surveillance fails very often. Especially when countries lie to other countries for weeks or months. When surveillance properly predicts emerging strains that need attention that attention quashes it and allows other strains to take their place. So all that vaccinating was for nothing.

The best defense against viruses is proper nutrition and good health. When the Black Plague ripped through Europe is was hitting malnourished population.

The influenza epidemic of 1918 was hand in hand with another epidemic. Also at that time the US and other countries had a lot of slums (i.e malnourished people).

Anonymous said...

As for the needed climate adjustment perhaps the good doctor can confer with Ms. Greta?