Friday, September 11, 2020

27 Phones Belonging To Robert Mueller's Team Were Wiped Before Being Handed Over To DoJ To Be Checked During Trump-Russia 'Collusion' Probe

Special counsel Robert Mueller testifies about the 'Russiagate' probe before the House Intelligence Committee in Washington, DC (July 24, 2019 file photo). © Pool via Reuters/Alex Brandon

Daily Mail: REVEALED: At least 15 phones belonging to Robert Mueller's team - including FBI lover Lisa Page's - were wiped before being handed over to DoJ to be checked for anti-Trump bias

* Documents released after a lawsuit from the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch reveal phones from Mueller's team were wiped during probe
* They were wiped of information because of forgotten pass codes, irreversible screen damage, loss of the device, intentional deletion or other reasons
* Andrew Weissman, Mueller's deputy, 'accidentally wiped' his phone on two occasions after entering the wrong passcode
* A phone belonging to FBI lawyer Lisa Page was restored to factory settings
* The OIG opened the investigation into possible bias in the origins of the Russia Investigation, determining that the FBI did comply with policies

More than 15 phones belonging to the investigative team of then-Special Counsel Robert Mueller were wiped before they were handed over to the Office of the Inspector General to be examined for proof of potential bias.

Mueller and his team were investigated by the Department of Justice for alleged biased in its pursuit of any proof that Trump or his administration colluded with Russia.

The investigation concluded that there was no bias but as part of it, Mueller's team was told to hand over cellphones. Many had been wiped of their data.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: What are they hiding? And these people call themselves lawyers?!?!?!? President Trump sums it up best.

More News On Phones Belonging To Robert Mueller's Team Being Wiped Before Being Handed Over To DoJ To Be Checked During Trump-Russia 'Collusion' Probe

Republicans demand answers on Mueller team wiping phones, suggest 'anticipatory obstruction of justice' -- FOX News
Members of Mueller’s team ‘wiped’ phones during Trump probe: DOJ -- NYPost
At Least 27 Phones from Special Counsel’s Office Were Wiped before DOJ Inspector General Could Review Them -- National Review
Mueller Team 'Accidentally Wiped' Phones During Trump-Russia 'Collusion' Probe, DOJ Records Show -- Sputnik


Anonymous said...

At least they weren't smashed with a hammer and most can be reused, I presume.

Hans Persson said...


Anonymous said...

If Biden wins, their cases will not come to trial and no judge will do to them that is being done to Flynn.

These people will be pardoned, if convicted, if Biden wins.

ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, CNN and other media will rehabilitate their public images. Afterwards their future paychecks will not suffer.

All in all the action of team Democrat make the Russia look desirable and in the future will make Putin look like a saint. This after they have poisoned several or more people with Novichuk. Unfortunately, I am well aware of the depravity, tenacity, and avariciousness of the people of the Democrat Party.

You could replace the ruling class of Hell with the leadership of the Democrat Party and you would not know the difference.

Anonymous said...

At the very least an obstruction of justice charge could and should be leveled and a trial scheduled before January 20, 2021.

If China Joe and his handlers are elected, all charges would be dropped although it be apparent that Mueller, Wiessman and the other Hillary supporting lawyers ran a dirty operation.

Democrats might gleefully debate you until they grow bored. then as we slip further into the 1930s, they will remember you and will make sure you are the 1st to the camps.

Anonymous said...

OK.who is in charge of the FBI?
Who appointed that person?
If wiping is illegal, or criminal or not the procedure, then who should fire or indict those wiping the phones?
If no one gets fired, then what is the issue?
If I run a red light and I am ignored by a policeman, then would you
think the policeman neglected his duty?

Anonymous said...


More shit for Frederick R. Lapides of Oronoque Village in Stafford , CT.